Canada in Amy Sohn Oct Pop Culture Club Can't Handle me Right Now - Flo rida
Artists Bands Actors/Actresses Sports Icons Who are your favourite…
Who are these people?
Where are they from? Brangelina Eminem Bruno Mars Taylor Swift Serena Williams Kristen Stewart Kings of Leon Rachel McAdams Tiger Woods Sidney Crosby Michael Phelps Cast of Gossip Girl Robert Pattinson U.S.A. CANADA BRITAIN
What about Canada in the 1950s? Paul Anka's Diana Andrews Sisters - Hit the Road
1960s? Janis Joplin's Piece of my Heart American DreamsProtest updates
WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. Get into your assigned groups 2. I’ll hand out task cards 1. Recorder 2. Reader 3. Time keeper 4. Reporter 3. You have 20 minutes 1. Read from the text 2. Complete the Venn diagram 3. Write it out on the chart 4. Report back to the class