Chapter 1- The Foundations of MI Theory Early 1900’s Alfred Binet and colleagues Became widespread including United States Reduced to single number “IQ” First Intelligence Tests
Chapter 1- The Foundations of MI Theory 80 years later H.G. challenged that intelligence had been defined to narrowly Howard Gardner- Harvard psychologist Proposed book Frames of Mind (Gardner, 1993) From this came the existence of 7 basic intelligences. (Now an 8 th and possible 9 th have been added) Intelligence= Solving Problems and Creating Products in a Content-Rich and Naturalistic Setting
Chapter 1- The Foundations of MI Theory Eight Intelligences- H. Gardner 1.Linguistic 1.Linguistic - use words effectively (oral/written) poets, playwright, editor, journalist, storyteller, orator, or politician 2.Logical-mathematical 2.Logical-mathematical - use numbers effectively and reason well (if-then, cause-effect) mathematician, tax accountant, statistician, scientist, computer programmer, or logician
Chapter 1- The Foundations of MI Theory Eight Intelligences- H. Gardner Spatial 3. Spatial - perceives the visual-spatial world accurately and is able to perform transformations on the perceptions hunter, guide, scout, architect, interior decorator, artist, inventor Bodily-kinesthetic 4. Bodily-kinesthetic - uses one’s body to express ideas and feelings and/uses one’s hands to produce or transform things actor, mime, athlete, dancer, sculptor, craftsperson, mechanic, surgeon
Chapter 1- The Foundations of MI Theory Eight Intelligences- H. Gardner Musical 5. Musical - perceive, discriminate, transform, and express musical forms music critic, composer, performer Interpersonal 6. Interpersonal - perceive and make distinctions in moods, intentions, motivations, and feeling of others- reads body language, voice, gestures, facial expressions and responds appropriately can influence a group to follow certain lines of action
Chapter 1- The Foundations of MI Theory Eight Intelligences- H. Gardner Intrapersonal 7. Intrapersonal - self-knowledge and the ability to act adaptively on that basis- aware of ones’ strengths and limitations Naturalist 8. Naturalist - expertise in recognition and classification of the numerous species of flora and fauna in their environment- also includes other natural phenomena (cloud formation, mountains) In an urban environment inanimate objects (cars, sneakers, CD covers)
Chapter 1- The Foundations of MI Theory The Theoretical Basis for MI 8 Factors 1. Potential Isolation by Brain Damage 2. Existence of Savants, Prodigies, and other Exceptional Individuals 3. Distinctive Developmental History 4. Evolutionary History and Plausibility 5. Support from Psychometric Findings 6. Support from Experimental Psychological Tasks 7. Identifiable Core/Set of Operations 8. Susceptibility to Encoding in a Symbol