What is 'Differentiated Instruction?' By: Konstantinos Kourdis Differentiated instruction is a process that utilizes multiple venues in order to teach a student a particular skill set or subject.
How did this theory come about? Differentiated instruction is based on the theory that “ instructional approaches should vary and be adapted in relation to individual and diverse students in classrooms.” (Tomlinson 2001). In other words, differentiated instruction abides by the premise that no two students are alike, therefore, we as educators should really strive to portray the material we want the student to learn in a way that allows both ourselves and the student to have a variety of options in both understanding the content, and showing their mastery of the content.
The process of differentiated instruction. Because of the diverse background knowledge, interests, forms of intelligence, and content a student possesses, differentiated instruction is both “concept-focused” and “principle driven” meaning that the educator must really “focus on the concepts, principles, and skills that student should learn” all the while custom tailoring the level of complexity in which the content is displayed or taught, in order to accommodate varying learning styles.
Examples of Differentiated Instruction within the classroom. The most important difference between a classroom practicing differentiated instruction and a classroom using traditional teaching methods is that, in a differentiated instruction classroom, the teacher begins the lesson based on the individual student's learning level, not just on the curriculum guide. Furthermore, in contrast to traditional teaching methods, a classroom utilizing differentiated instruction offers multiple ways for a student to demonstrate his/her mastery of the content. For example, in a traditional high school English class, the teacher might have the class read a book and write a book report. In a classroom where differentiated instruction is used, a student has the option to pick whether they will do a book report, a poster highlighting the important themes within the book, writing a analytic essay that highlights their own ideas or any other agreed upon project that will showcase the student's mastery of the material.
Why use differentiated instruction? Since every student learns differently, differentiated instruction tracks a student's mastery of the content by allowing them more flexible options in demonstrating both their knowledge of the content, as well as their individual strengths. This teaching method has profound implications on a student's confidence, because it allows them to have more control of what projects they complete and the freedom to showcase just how they will compete them.
Theory of Multiple Intelligences In 1983, Howard Gardner, a developmental psychologist and professor of Cognition and Education at Harvard University published Frames of Mind, in which he outlines seven primary forms of intelligence and how each individual student learns according to the type of learner they are.
Linguistic learners learn just from hearing spoken words, they most often have a strong grasp of vocabulary and are able to write papers and essays with ease. Logical-mathematical learners often think logically and are great at math, they are able to apply mathematical concepts in order to argue their point. Spatial learners are the artists of the educational world. They have a higher spatial intelligence which enables them to draw and paint, as well as having a more aesthetic approach when developing their thoughts. Bodily-kinesthetic learners are 'hands on' learners. They are good with their hands, and can master a variety of tools with ease. Musical learners have a natural 'rhythm', they have the ability of understanding and applying musical concepts. Interpersonal learners have the ability to organize people and to clearly communicate an action or command. Intrapersonal learners have the ability of identifying their own weaknesses and talents and using them to set specific goals.
In conclusion... In today's modern classroom environment, teachers must constantly cater to the diverse needs of their students. Traditional classroom instructional methods can simply no longer accommodate the ever growing needs of a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural student body in which everyone has a unique learning style. Gone are the days when an educator would say, “It's my way or the high way”, instead, modern classrooms use differentiated instructional methods to allow the student to portray his mastery of content through his medium of choice, while concurrently identifying the student's individual strengths and weaknesses.