Intelligence and Brain Plasticity What is intelligence? How do you know if someone is “smart”?
Is the person who can memorize the lyrics to all of their favorite songs smarter than the person who can fix the broken bike? Is a surgeon smarter than a Grammy-nominated singer? A racecar driver smarter than a mother of 4? An alligator rescue specialist smarter than a baker? Is the person who gets good grades on a math test smarter than the kid who can throw the ball the farthest in PE?
Many Types of Intelligence “An intelligence is the ability to solve problems, or to create products, that are valued within one or more cultural settings.” Howard Gardner, Frames of Mind (1983) Based on his study of many people from many different walks of life in everyday circumstances and professions, Gardner developed the theory of multiple intelligences.
Basics of Multiple Intelligences Intelligence is more than IQ, getting good grades, or being great at math. We are all born with a capacity for each intelligence. We all have a unique combination of these intelligences. These intelligences are located in different areas of the brain and usually work together, but can work independently too.
Our Brains Change Neuroplasticity – the brain’s ability to change in response to experience.