M ULTIPLE I NTELLIGENCES The Key to Problem Solving
H OW CAN I … Get amazing grades in high school? Cut my study time in half so I can do more things that I want to do? Improve on my own talents? Show off to my friends and family? … figure out your INTELLIGENCE.
W HAT IS “M ULTIPLE I NTELLIGENCES ”? Howard Gardner wrote the book Frames of the Mind – The Theory of Multiple Intelligences 8 ways to learn and process information
T HE 8 TYPES OF INTELLIGENCES Logical/Mathematical “The Questioner” Verbal/Linguistic “The Word Player” Visual/Spatial “The Visualizer” Bodily/Kinesthetic “The Mover”
T HE 8 T YPES OF I NTELLIGENCES Musical/Rhythmic “The Music Lover” Interpersonal “The Socializer” Intrapersonal “The Individual” Naturalist “The Explorer”
W E N EED A P ROBLEM Hi, I’m Joe and I have 8 girlfriends. (I know, it’s hard to juggle them all.) Each girlfriend is special and smart in her own way. When I tell you their “INTELLIGENCE” you need to help me pick a gift for each individual girl.
L OGICAL /M ATHEMATICAL The area of math and science Allows us to give numerical values to objects and processes Order, align, sequence problems Girlfriend #1 Gift: A trivia game, Sudoku book, or a beautiful, patterned quilt.
V ERBAL /L INGUISTIC Allows us to understand things just by hearing an explanation These people appreciate sounds, rhythms, and inflections of words They tell stories and memorize names easily Girlfriend #2 Gift: A cell phone!
V ISUAL /S PATIAL They store and recall information via pictures in the mind Need to see symbols, photographs, diagrams They daydream a lot Girlfriend #3 Gift: A DVD, picture frame, or magazine subscription.
B ODILY /K INESTHETIC By using the body, these people gain a “physical memory” Brain and body connected Example careers: athletes, dancers, and high steel construction workers Girlfriend #4 Gift: Sports equipment, cooking classes, or a weekend hiking in the mountains.
M USICAL /R HYTHMIC Rhythm, melody, tone, pitch, and pattern When words are combined with melody and rhythm (as in a song) they are usually more easy to recall Girlfriend #5 Gift: A guitar, tickets to the opera, an iTunes gift card.
I NTERPERSONAL Works in groups effectively Can read people well… verbally or non-verbally Perceives emotions, moods, motivations, and intentions These people can empathize with other people’s feelings, fears, and beliefs Girlfriend #6 Gift: Just hold a surprise party for her and she’ll be happy.
I NTRAPERSONAL Very aware of themselves Can monitor own mental processes with internal dialogues Prefers to work alone away from groups Follows own instincts and not typically influenced by outside forces Girlfriend #7 Gift: A gift certificate she can use to shop with while she’s alone and unencumbered by your company.
N ATURALIST Hyper aware of the natural world Could be good at hunting, farming, and science Examples: Darwin and George Washington Carver A star gazer Girlfriend #8 Gift: Flower or a trip to a botanical garden. Maybe even a visit to the planetarium.
W HAT ARE YOU ? Let’s find out… Take the quiz!
U SING THE “I NTELLIGENCES ” FOR SCHOOL … Example 1: “If you are bodily/kinesthetic and trying to memorize lines for theater, you could use your body to demonstrate the lines spoken BECAUSE it’ll help you associate the movement with your lines.” Example 2: “If you are intrapersonal and you are scared about “partner work” in class, make friends with an interpersonal person BECAUSE then you can practice interacting with other types of personalities. “ Example 3: “If you are a naturalist and enjoy nature, try having your study sessions outside BECAUSE you’ll be in a pleasant mood while you do it and it’ll ease your fears about the test.”
M ULTIPLE I NTELLIGENCE A SSIGNMENT Using what you learned from the MI information given, write a paragraph reflection and be sure answer the following questions within the paragraph… 1. What are your top intelligences? Be sure to describe them. 2. How does your life reflect these intelligences? (Example: Bodily/kinesthetic & you’re a dancer.) 3. How can you use this information to help you with comprehension? In other words, how can you use this information to help you study better and learn better?