Patient’s Rights -A Notice of Privacy Practices -A copy of their own Protected Health Information -Request an amendment to health records -Request an Accounting of Disclosures -Request and receive confidential communications - Request restriction of use or disclosure of records - File a complaint
Request an Amendment to health records A patient returning for follow up of her back strain due to gardening, now insists that the original injury occurred at work and wants the prior visit note changed How should you handle this request? A. Make the change in Medical Record B. Tell the patient "No.” C. Refer the patient to the local Privacy Officer.
Request an Accounting of Disclosures Ryan tells his doctor that he does not want any PHI released to anyone and is demanding his right to request a restriction What should the doctor do? A. Ignore Ryan's request as he is a difficult patient and will change his mind tomorrow. B. Write a note in Ryan's progress note. C. Explain to Ryan that he needs to submit a written request to the Privacy Officer
Request and receive confidential communications Deb was admitted to the hospital and requests to be opted out of the directory. The admitting clerk explains to Deb that she will not receive flowers or mail, etc. Deb understands and decides to opt out of the directory. The following day, an individual calls the facility telephone operator, who is not involved in Tamara's care and wants to send flowers and asks for Deb's room number. What should the telephone operator's response be? A. Hang on just a minute while I check to see what room she is in. B. Tamara is here but she has opted out of the directory so I cannot tell you which room she is in. C. I will tell you the room she is in as long as you are not bringing in live flowers as there is a policy against that. D. I am sorry. I cannot confirm or deny that we have a patient in our directory by that name.