Making Mining A Career Choice Occupational Health & Safety Women In Mining Conference Simangele Soni
Confidential 2 The De Beers Group of Companies CONTENT 1.Why choose a career in mining 2.Why is it important for women to make this decision – The difference we bring 3.My Diamond Story and the stories of others
Confidential 3 The De Beers Group of Companies In 2013 mining accounted for 8.3% in GDP, 1 Nominal Mining GDP of R 279,7 billion 1 In the past decade mining has contributed R 2.4 trillion 1 Mining direct employment South Africa Owns 95% of the world Platinum Group Metals reserves 1 Diamond total sales in 2013 was R 12.3bn of which R7.5bn was local sales (61% local sales) WHY CHOOSE A CAREER IN MINING 1. Chamber of Mines of South Africa Facts &Figures 2013/2014
Confidential 4 The De Beers Group of Companies South Africa’s total reserves remain some of the world’s most valuable, with an estimated worth of R20.3-trillion ($2.5-trillion). Overall, the country is estimated to have the world’s fifth-largest mining sector in terms of GDP value. *Top 5 mining countries (mining as a % of GDP): South Africa ($2.5tr), Russia ($794bn), Australia ($737bn), Ukraine ($510bn) and Guinea ($222bn). WHY CHOOSE A CAREER IN MINING
Confidential 5 The De Beers Group of Companies Collaborative in nature Empathetic Take calculated risks, more safe Well being of individuals is important THE DIFFERENCE WE BRING
Confidential 6 The De Beers Group of Companies CAREER AT DE BEERS De Beers Consolidate Mines employs 2579 individuals on permanent basis (2014) Total of 660 females 15% Women in Mining Voorspoed mine peaked at 25% WiM
Confidential 7 The De Beers Group of Companies ZERO HARM IS POSSIBLE CAREER AT DE BEERS – SAFETY
Confidential 8 The De Beers Group of Companies 8 EXAMPLE OF WHAT IS POSSIBLE - Venetia OPCO Team % HDSA 10% Female
Confidential 9 The De Beers Group of Companies 9 Ludwig von Maltitz General Manager Johnny Gillespie Senior Manager Mining Gloria Lekalakala Senior Manager Ore Processing Judy Alexander Manager Security Josephine Pieters Manager Corporate Affairs Johan Sliep Manager Business Improvement Aisha Khan Senior Manager Human Resources Kelebogile Sibanda Senior Manager Commercial Services Peter Masseratte Senior Manager Engineering Kevin Botha Head of VUP Hendrick Matjila Senior Operations Manager Andre Fourie Acting Mngr Mineral Resources EXAMPLE OF WHAT IS POSSIBLE- Venetia OPCO Team % HDSA 42% Female
Confidential 10 The De Beers Group of Companies MY DIAMOND STORY Bursar to study Chemical Engineering Trainee (MIT) Process Engineer Section Head - Plant Technical Assistant Project Met Lead Snr Process Engineer Knowing self helps to understand others & to lead better Relationships & Context Nothing happens without People Pull your weight & Learn from others Efforts is recognised
Confidential 11 The De Beers Group of Companies WE CAN ONLY SUCCEED IF WE ALL PLAY A ROLE Government: Individuals: Society- Families Private Sector: Civil Society: Trade Unions:
Confidential 12 The De Beers Group of Companies Mining makes a difference in this country Women have a contribution to make Everyone has a part to play Anything is possible – Zero Harm is possible CONCLUSION
Confidential 13 The De Beers Group of Companies Engineering & Mining Journal- August 2014 SOUTH AFRICA LEADING THE WAY
Confidential 14 The De Beers Group of Companies “How can you claim to be growing the economy and making a lasting contribution when you are excluding more that half of the population”
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