COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES IN MOLDOVA Moldova is eligible and participates in the following community programmes: Tempus Erasmus-Mundus Erasmus-Mundus External Cooperation Window
TEMPUS PROGRAMME The Republic of Moldova joined the TEMPUS Programme in Since then, the educational institutions of the Republic of Moldova have participated in the 2nd and 3rd phases of the TEMPUS Programme.
TEMPUS PROGRAMME Within the period , about of students and teachers visited the EU universities under some training and documentation programmes. In the same period of time, about 50 projects of the total value of more than 9 mln Euros were carried out. All Moldovan state universities have taken part in Tempus.
TEMPUS PROGRAMME In implementing the second cycle, master, Moldova has benefited from a series of Tempus projects with a positive impact on the curricula development, students’ mobility, new generation of teaching staff development etc. Examples of such projects: CD_CP ,0Master en sciences economiques appliqués aux industries agroalimentaires CD_JEP ,172Creation d’un master droit et gestion de la vigne du vin au sein de l’universite nationale de Moldova CD_JEP ,8Master en qualite et securite des aliments CD_JEP ,0MSc Programme in environment and clean technologies JEP ,7New curricula in Real Estate Economics JEP ,373Master studies in European Integration and Neighborhood Policy
TEMPUS PROGRAMME Over the recent years with the Tempus support a trend is being outlined in the university relations with the local labor market. Examples of such projects Service d’orientation & placement des etudiants Développement de partenariats avec les entreprises en Moldavie These projects will allow to strengthen the relevance of curricula against labor market needs, to improve practical work of the students and their placements within enterprises.
TEMPUS PROGRAMME Since 2007 Tempus Programme, jointly with MinEdu, is responsible for implementing the so-called SAP program. A number of experts have been selected for the program. Higher Education Reform Experts are working on counseling and advising local higher education institutions with regard to the introduction and implementation of the national reform strategy. In particular, they will provide assistance to local universities in the Bologna areas: Quality Assurance, The Three Cycle System, Recognition and Qualification framework
National priorities for Tempus IV in 2009 Introduction of quality assurance Institutional and financial autonomy and accountability Training of non-university teachers Qualification framework
FIRST CALL OF TEMPUS IV In February 2008, the TEMPUS IV was launched in Moldova. For the 1st call of the TEMPUS IV Programme, the higher education institutions of the Republic of Moldova have addressed to the European Commission about 37 draft projects. As a result, higher education institutions of Moldova won a record number of 9 Tempus projects – 8 regional and 1 national. The total value of these projects constitutes 3 mln Euros. Thus in 2009, 13 Tempus projects run in the Republic of Moldova.
TEMPUS Programme contribution is essential for: Universities’ management system development Implementation of the Bologna principles Curricula and subjects actualization University curricula improvement Quality assurance in education Elaboration of the National Qualifications Framework Students and teaching staff mobility promotion University autonomy development Distance learning organization and implementation Technical and technological supply Didactic materials publishing
PROMOTION OF TEMPUS IN MOLDOVA To enhance participation of higher education institutions in the TEMPUS projects, national promoters for these Programmes activate at each HEI. Annually, a TEMPUS day is organized. Information about TEMPUS is available at the web-sites of the Ministry of Education and Youth and HEI. In this respect, training courses for are held at HEI.
National Tempus Office NTO cooperates with: European Commission (Brussels) EC Delegation in Moldova Executive Agency Education, Audiovisual and Culture (EACEA) - EACEA Agency, responsible for Tempus Programme implementation Ministry of Economy and Trade Ministry of Education and Youth Eligible Universities NTO are in close cooperation with the Ministry.
Partners within TEMPUS: Spain France Portugal Sweden Belgium Romania Netherlands Austria.
TEMPUS Partnerships Within these partnerships, higher education institutions co-operate in experience and good practices’ exchange, study visits, conferences, academic mobility, joint scientific research programmes, etc.
Benefits within TEMPUS University management system based on the up-to-date technologies is being modernized. A number of universities implement the computer-based system of student staff evidence and management. Some up-to-date systems of university financial management and library management are being implemented.
Benefits within TEMPUS TEMPUS projects on institution building ensured that the national training centre on educational management was created and a VET network was established. Introduction of newly developed curricula.
ERASMUS-MUNDUS The Republic of Moldova joined the Erasmus-Mundus Programme in The programme provides for some high-quality master courses (European Master Courses) and cooperation between the EU universities and the universities from the developing countries.
MOLDOVA’S PARTICIPATION IN ERASMUS MUNDUS About 22 Moldovan students benefited during It is the priority to have more grants for national candidates. Participation in other EM-Actions is envisaged as an objective.
CONTRIBUTION OF ERASMUS MUNDUS: Quality increase in education Building human capital Personal contacts development
Erasmus-Mundus External Cooperation Window Higher education institutions from Moldova participate actively in the programme since Moldova joined the programme under the Lot 6 of the Erasmus-Mundus External Cooperation Window, together with Belarus and Ukraine.
MOLDOVA’S PARTICIPATION The programme provides for mobility scholarships in Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor’s at one of the 20 universities present in the Lot 6. So far, 2 universities from Moldova are present in this programme.
SCHOLARSHIPS WITHIN EM ECW There is an ongoing project in Moldova providing mobility grants for about 50 students annually. In average, foreign students have had mobility to Moldova in
Mobility type per target group and duration Type of MobilityTarget Group 1Target Group 2Target Group 3 Undergraduate students 6-10 monthsNot applicable6-34 months Master’s studentsEU: 6-10 months TC: 6-22 months 6-22 months Doctorate students 6-34 months Post-doctorate students 6-10 months Academic staff1-3 monthsNot applicable
HOW CAN WE DEVELOP COOPERATION WITHIN THESE PROGRAMMES AND ENHANCE MOLDOVA’S PARTICIPATION Increase of the number of scholarships offered to the Moldovan students and researchers within the Erasmus Mundus and Erasmus-Mundus External Cooperation Window programmes. Inclusion of the Republic of Moldova into other community and regional programmes, especially in the field of academic mobility and modernization of higher education. Creation of a database on the western universities and their projects meant to improve process of partners’ search for TEMPUS Projects. Consolidation of the National TEMPUS Office capacities for promotion and implementation of European projects. Coordination by the participants of the mechanisms of credits’ and studies programmes’ recognition. Well-timed notification of the competition results.