Migration and Integration in Costa Rica NATIONAL REPORT General Directorate of Migration and Immigration
Migration and Integration General Migration and Immigration Act No. 8764: Article (5): “This Act promotes the integration of migrants into development in the country; to this end, the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration shall design strategies and public policy oriented toward strengthening the sustainability of the Social State of Law” INTEGRATION: A bidirectional process of shared responsibility between Costa Rican nationals and foreign nationals, oriented toward improving the level of positive social coexistence and strengthening our Social State of Law.
Migration and Integration in Costa Rica: National Report 2011 Objective: To establish baseline information on the current level of participation and integration of immigrants in Costa Rica. INFORMATION SOURCES: 1.Several secondary sources: FLACSO, World Bank, etc. 2.Data bases of the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses 3.SIEMCA and SIEMMES-OIM Projects 4.Data from the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration 5.Data from the Supreme Court of Elections 6.Data from the Ministry of Labour and Social Security 7.Data from the Actuarial and Economic Directorate of CCSS 8.Data from the Ministry of Public Education 9.SIPO- IMAS 10.Ministry of Housing and Human Settlements 11.National Directorate of Community Development 12.IDESPO – UNA 13.IPSOS – UNHCR
Components of the National Report Demographic structure of immigrants 2.Granting Costa Rican Nationality 3.Migration and Labour 4.Migration and Health 5.Migration and Education 6.Migration and Housing 7.Participation of Immigrants in Community Movement 8.Perceptions regarding Immigration in Costa Rica
Migration and Demography YearNumber of Immigrants Evolution of Immigrants in Costa Rica ( )
Migration and Demography Foreign populations documented by the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration relating to INEC estimates for migrant populations living in the country ) Total Population in Costa Rica Immigrant Population Costa Rica Percentage of Immigrant Population % % % Immigrant Population Survey Foreign nationals, permanent stay
Migration and Demography Migration flows of foreign nationals in Costa Rica by gender, Regularized migrants living in Costa Rica, December 31, 2010 according to data from the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration
Migration and Demography Total number of births by nationality of the mother and by country of origin of the mother Costa Rica Other Births in Costa Rica by nationality of the mother, 2010 Costa Rican mother Nicaraguan mother Other
Migration and Demography Estimate of distribution of immigrants by region, 2010 Estimate of relative distribution of immigrants by total number of population and by region, 2010
Total No. of Homes Total presence of at least one member born abroad Area ,2 Urban ,9 Rural ,7 Region ,2 Central ,5 Chorotega ,7 Pacífico Central ,5 Brunca ,7 Huetar Atlántica ,3 Huetar Norte ,5 Homes with Family Members Born Abroad, 2007 Migration and Demography
Naturalizations in Costa Rica Evolution of Costa Rican nationality granted to foreign nationals Naturalizations * Data missing for 2008 Total number of persons naturalized by country of origin in 2010 Other
Migration, Labour, and Health NationalForeign Agriculture, hunting, forestry87,7412,26 Manufacture, mines and quarries91,498,51 Construction81,8018,20 Restaurants and hotels8515 Trade91,528,48 Other services91,808,20 Average total participation90,039,97% Source: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses Work force percentages – national and foreign workers by productive sector,
Migration, Labour, and Health Población trabajadora extranjera activa en Costa Rica según nacionalidad Labour behaviour of migrant and national workers, Nat.Foreign Active foreign workers in Costa Rica, by nationality Other
Migration, Labour, and Health Total number of workers contributing to CCSS, Foreign Nationals
Migration, Labour, and Health Costa Rican WorkersForeign Workers Total No. of Workers INEC Workers contributing to CCSS Total No. of Workers INEC Workers contributing to CCSS Total number of Costa Ricans and foreign nationals in 2008, According to the INEC report on the workforce and the number of persons contributing to CCSS Source: Survey of INEC 2008 / CCSS Actuarial and Economic Directorate
Migration, Labour, and Health Monthly estimates of salaries of Costa Rican workers contributing to CCSS for (in million Colones) Private enterprises Household work Autonomous inst. Government Self-employed Agreements Monthly estimates of salaries of foreign workers contributing to CCSS for (in million Colones) Private enterprises Household work Autonomous inst. Government Self-employed Agreements
Migration, Labour, and Health Country of BirthAbsoluteRelative TOTAL Costa Rica Nicaragua Colombia El Salvador Panama Other / Unknown Distribution of national ambulatory patients of the CCSS, 2010 Country of BirthAbsoluteRelative TOTAL Costa Rica Nicaragua Colombia Panama United States El Salvador Other / Unknown Emergency health care by CCSS by country of birth, 2010 Percentages of persons leaving CCSS hospitals, three primary nationalities, Percentages of foreign nationals leaving CCSS hospitals, 2010
Migration, Labour, and Health Total regulated income estimated according to level of expenditure, (in million Colones) Regulated income, health sector Expenditure, health sector
Migration, Labour, and Health Estimates of hospital admissions and cost of health care for foreign nationals, CCSS, (in billion Colones) Estimates of ambulatory patients and cost of health care for foreign nationals, CCSS, (in million Colones) Estimated regulated fees of the health insurance for foreign nationals in regard to the cost of health care (million Colones, ) Health care costsRegulated fees
Migration and Education
“AVANCEMOS” Scholarships, 2010 Migration and Education
National Institute for Learning Migration and Education
Migration and Housing
Migration and Citizen Participation
Migration and Perception
ACTIONS BASED ON THE REPORT Establishing public priorities relating to integration: Migration Education Health Justice Social participation Resources from the Social Migration Fund A four-year plan NATIONAL INTEGRATION PLAN
ACTIONS BASED ON THE REPORT A programme to support migrants and Costa Ricans by improving access to information about services provided by public institutions. Designed to facilitate full integration into the Costa Rican society and strengthen the Social State of Law. MIGRATION HEALTH EDUCATION EMPLOYMENT
“Entre Vecinos” (Among Neighbours) Programme Promotes participation of migrants on Boards of Directors of Development Associations. Based on recognizing the local cultural diversity as a focus for integration. Art and recreation as a driving force of local awareness-raising.
Freddy Mauricio Montero M. Sub-director General General Directorate of Migration and Immigration