Student Introduction to laptops Jim Moore
Laptop Basics Care of laptop Power switch/battery Floppy drive Mouse Sound & Jacks USB and Firewire CD player & CDRW
Laptop Specs 512mb of RAM, 40gb hard drive Modem, Ethernet Windows XP, Virus protection Office 2003, Mozilla
Memory Key (what is it ?) Takes the place of a floppy drive. You can store papers, pictures, excel files, files downloaded from the internet. Files can move from one computer to the next. Send a file to the memory key....
Homeroom (what is it ?) Is your personal network storage. You can store papers, pictures, excel files, files downloaded from the internet. Files can move from any computer to your homeroom space. Copy a file to homeroom....
Public_html (what is it ?) Is your personal web space. You can share papers, pictures, excel files, other files with the world. Anyone can see the files in public_html. Create your own public_html folder...
Application Demo Mozilla Microsoft Word Acrobat - making PDF’s Excel PowerPoint Other...
iTUNES Downloading music Making CD’s