At the elementary level: Learning and implementation of using the Common Core Standards Implementation of Standards Based Report Card using Common Core Standards Training of using the Pinnacle Grade book system Assist with the increase of use of CFA’s Hired half time TOSA to assist with implementation of all of the above
Pacing Guides: 4th grade pacing guide4th grade pacing guide CCSS working guides: 4th grade writing4th grade writing Parent component: Brochures, Information Nights, Gazette Times news articlesBrochures, Web Site: Chris’s site Web Site: Chris’s site Allow for PLC time – early release and staff meetings for implementation and listening to pilot teachers
Report Card – overwhelming especially with learning new electronic grade book but forced us focus on learning and implementing standards. Possible learn ELA first Proficiency based grading Utilize other work from other States earlier on– Thank you North Carolina! Use ODE tools on introducing standards especially critical areas
Standards Based Report Card was already in process of implementation with pilot teachers Pilot teachers agreed using CCSS was a clear and efficient way to implement Made sense to implement – 2 years out Our math curriculum was better aligned with CCSS’s
Continue to deconstruct standards. Assist with the increase of use of CFA’s and knowledge of Smarter Balance Develop agreements on proficiency across grade level Continue to improve our report card with clear language and number of CCSS’s we report to Continue to better align curriculum with standards. Discussions with Middle School and High School Alignment