Strategy for Swedish Peat Production and Use Magnus Brandel, Swedish Peat Producers Association
25% of Swedish land is covered by peat
Peat from a life cycle perspective
Peat restoration area
Are there enough peat in Sweden? Source: Björn Hånell, SLU 2006 We can double peat production and go on for 220 years
Källa: IVL Peat effects from climate perspective
Industry commitment · don´t use pristine peatland that are accumulating coal · primarily use peat from ditched peatlands or agriculture land · control that peat production not create problem with biodiversity - Nature even if we only are using ditched peatlands or agriculture land · control that peat production and use is managed in a sustainable and efficient way · control that restoration is secured through creation of wetlands or afforestation Certification is a very important tool to secure this development
Swedish Government proposal A sustainable energy and climate policy for the environment, competitiveness and long-term stability Peat is a nationally available energy source that is significant for Swedish security of supply. Under certain conditions and to a limited extent, peat can be used with a positive net climate impact. Sweden should take action to ensure that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the EU regulatory framework reflect this fact. Peat must be harvested in a manner that takes great account of the landscape and cultural values.
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