How NZ schools work…? The highest standards of achievement, through programmes which enable all students to realise their full potential as individuals, and to develop the values needed to become full members of New Zealand's society. Cerisse Palalagi, Without, 2011 Mixed media print National Educational Goal #1
Depending on the type of school… Self Governing - Community MoU Levels of state funding Autonomous….to a point National Educational Goals (NEGS) National Administration Guidelines (NAGS) National Curriculum National Standards – OTJs
Participant generated questions
How HPS can add significant value in this context. hua 1. (verb) to bear fruit, originate, be abundant, accrue. 4. (noun) product, fruit, berry, roe, egg, progeny, value, finding, result, outcome, asset. 5. (noun) benefit, gain, asset. kaingākau 1. (verb) (-tia) to prize greatly, value, treasure, whaihua 1. (verb) to have value, have benefits. how HPS can add significant value Search Results… value
The HPS Inquiry Process 1. Engagement: HPS is established as a key partner in learning 2. Inquiry: The school community identifies health and wellbeing priorities 3. Planning: The school community identifies solutions to address health and wellbeing priorities 4. Action: The school implements solutions with support from HPS and other stakeholders 5. Transformation: Evaluation, reflection, review, share and celebrate Practices & routines in our HOW
HOW we operate Power-sharing Agenda, Agency, Agentic Self - Discovery Partnering Family-Like Ownership Strength based
Te Pae Mahutonga - constellation
Community Development Practice Taxonomy With your basket and my basket…
Accelerating Equity Workshops The need and demand grew from the voices of schools and schools communities. Responded with Phase one workshops How to significantly improve outcomes for Maori, Pasifika and minoritised students in your school community. Feedback Nationally about the Phase one workshops Emerging themes from the school survey
Workshops Feedback
Workshops feedback “…..motivational, inspirational … Mauri Ora.. “Love the presentation of the workshop and active participation in learning - great thought provoking questions” (Principals, Far North) “Schools who took part are already asking for a follow up so they can send more people.” “ ….it was like the light got switched on and things will never be the same at school…”(Teachers, Gisborne) “As a health promoter who worked in HPS-old system I have been blown away by this concept. This is a wonderful approach, some of these concepts and learning can be used in other aspects of my other work.”(DHB staff member, Huntly) “Honest sharing and participation. Being confronted in a safe environment.” “Motivation and inspiration for improving outcomes for our tamariki - let me at it!” (Teachers and Principals, Wairoa) It made me think about what is happening in my school. I now have ideas to help my teachers and will delve more into researching 'relationships for learning’. (Principal, Tauaramanui)
Series Two Workshops Phases 1 – 4 Improving school communities’ health, wellbeing, equity and educational outcomes.
HPS & Community development inquiry Phase one: Asking critical questions about disparity And the role that schools and agencies play in social change) Phase two: Developing your inquiry (data, responses, impact measure, reappraisal – outer and inner- of the roles played) Phase three: What happened? Why, why not, what if? Phase four: Case study symposium Impact Re- acti on Actio ns Impac t Re- acti on Acti ons Phases 1-4 Impact Re- acti on Actio ns Impact Re- acti on Actio ns 1. Engagement: HPS is established as a key partner in learning 2. Inquiry: The school community identifies health and wellbeing priorities 3. Planning: The school community identifies solutions to address health and wellbeing priorities 4. Action: The school implements solutions with support from HPS and other stakeholders 5. Transformation: Evaluation, reflection, review, share and celebrate
Jig-saw – practices & routines 1. Engagement: HPS is established as a key partner in learning 2. Inquiry: The school community identifies health and wellbeing priorities 3. Planning: The school community identifies solutions to address health and wellbeing priorities 4. Action: The school implements solutions with support from HPS and other stakeholders 5. Transformation: Evaluation, reflection, review, share and celebrate
Participant generated questions