16th March 2005, ENG target A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB 1 Status of the TT2A target experiment Status of the TT2A target experiment A.Fabich CERN AB/ATB ENG/BENE meeting, CERN, 16 th March 2005
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB2 Approval Status APPROVED by the research board CERN APPROVED by the research board CERN 2.Dec.2004: … The proposal was approved by the Research Board, subject to further clarification of the resources … 2.Dec.2004: … The proposal was approved by the Research Board, subject to further clarification of the resources … 3.March 2005: fully approved (oral information) 3.March 2005: fully approved (oral information) CERN experiment database: : nToF11 CERN experiment database: : nToF11
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB3 Safety In close collaboration with Safety Commission (SC) In close collaboration with Safety Commission (SC) No obstacles No obstacles Hot issues (mercury, activation, …) evaluated Hot issues (mercury, activation, …) evaluated Basic procedures and specifications defined for safe operation Basic procedures and specifications defined for safe operation
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB4 NOMINAL target test Target: 1-cm diameter mercury jet, v=20 m/s Target: 1-cm diameter mercury jet, v=20 m/s Proton beam: 24 GeV, <28x10 12 ppp, total of 100 pulses Proton beam: 24 GeV, <28x10 12 ppp, total of 100 pulses Meson capture: 15 Tesla solenoid field (pulsed) Meson capture: 15 Tesla solenoid field (pulsed) Study … Study … proton induced shocks proton induced shocks Magneto-fluid-dynamics Magneto-fluid-dynamics Secondary particle yield Secondary particle yield
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB5 Mercury loop, target Pump Motor Centrifugal Pump w/ Magnetic Coupling Hg Jet Containment Sump Tank Secondary Containment Target Module V.Graves, ORNL
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB6 Pump Systems Hydraulic Pump, Reservoir, & Flow Control Valve EM centrifugal pump or Hydraulic piston pump
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB7 15 T pulsed solenoid 3 rd coil production completed 3 rd coil production completed Integration into cryostat starts Integration into cryostat starts Testing scheduled in summer 2005 at MIT Testing scheduled in summer 2005 at MIT P.Titus, MIT
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB8 … on the beam line Solenoid Proton Beam Hg Delivery System Beam Attenuator V.Graves, ORNL
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB9 Cryogenic system Base line scenario Base line scenario Final design dependent on performance tests at MIT Final design dependent on performance tests at MIT
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB10 Power supply Reuse existing CERN power supply Reuse existing CERN power supply Previously used for extraction towards SPS West Area Rated: <900 V, <8kA Required: 740 V, 7.2 kA 100 kChF for refurbishment and installation
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB11 TT2A Periphery A. Fabich Equipment Control Room PS beam ISR experiment Control room
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB12 Primary Containment Hg Jet Z=0 Viewport Secondary Containment Primary Containment Proton Beam
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB13 Optical Diagnostics Retro-reflected design, Optical high speed recording (<1 MHz) One set of optics per viewport e-Drawing - Van Graves, ORNL T.Tsang, BNL
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB14 Secondary particle yield momentum p = 24 GeV/c 4 bunches within 8 PS buckets at our discretion t pulse = microseconds t bunch =50ns full length, peak-to-peak 250 ns < 7 TP per bunch, total intensity < 28 TP/pulse spot size at target: <2 mm r.m.s. Pump-Probe method for cavitation studies and secondary meson yield
16th March 2005A.Fabich, CERN AB/ATB15 Time schedule MarchnToF11 approved MarchnToF11 approved Springsolenoid construction completed Springsolenoid construction completed Summersolenoid tests Summersolenoid tests Winterconstruction of Hg system Winterconstruction of Hg system Aprilsolenoid test finished Aprilsolenoid test finished Junesolenoid shipped to CERN Junesolenoid shipped to CERN autumnintegrated test at CERN autumnintegrated test at CERN Decfully ready for beam Decfully ready for beam Aprilfinal run at PS start-up Aprilfinal run at PS start-up Budget: ~2.5 M$