National Catholic Partnership on Disability & The National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry Presented by:
In Partnership with the: NCPD Council on Mental Illness and the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership (NCCL) In collaboration with: the National Catholic Young Adult Ministry Association (NCYAMA)
Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order Our Sunday Visitor Institute Warren P. Powers Charitable Foundation
Province of St. Joseph of the Capuchin Order Our Sunday Visitor Institute Warren P. Powers Charitable Foundation
Robert McCarty, D.Min., Executive Director, National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM), Washington, DC Paul Myers, Ph.D., Director, University Health Center, University of Portland and Staff Psychologist, Northwest Catholic Counseling Center, Portland, OR
Linea Johnson is a self-advocate, motivational speaker, author, and blogger. She is a recent college graduate with a degree in creative writing and English from Seattle University, in Washington. Linea says of herself, “As a young woman diagnosed with bipolar disorder, I hope to use my experiences to speak for those unable to speak for themselves.”
God, bless and strengthen young people and those you have called to serve, teach and heal them. May those who are gathered this day for this webinar draw from your Son’s example as we work each day to build your Kingdom here on Earth. Amen.
Patterns of crisis and mental illnesses Levels of response Faith and ministry perspectives
“Youth at risk” are those who by circumstances, choices, or mental health conditions are in situations that expose them to failure or harm in their personal, academic, social, familial, or spiritual lives. Unable to meet their basic needs Have poor coping skills Have insufficient support systems And therefore, they are highly vulnerable to risk behaviors.
Diathesis-Stress Hypothesis Genetic predispositions to brain chemical imbalance, triggered by experiential factors (e.g., trauma episode or chronic distress) Social Construction Hypothesis Adaptive behaviors for dysfunctional family or social environments
Mood Disorders (e.g., major depression) Anxiety Disorders (GAD, Panic, PTSD) Adjustment Disorders with anxiety, depression or disturbed conduct Substance Abuse Disorders Eating Disorders