A key to the heart The communication strategy project
Goals and object The following concept is aimed to create an interactive communication between the artistic heritage and the public using new technologies, basically social networks. As an object of the promotion I have chosen the main artistic heritage of my home country – it’s the Moscow Kremlin and its museums. The targeted audience of the Kremlin now is mostly foreigners and people from the rest of Russia, not including Moscow. Our aim is to include the citizens of Moscow to this group. We should motivate them to learn more about their city and to create a dialogue with the authorities. To make it real we initiate a brand new communication strategy whose two main goals will be – to make Kremlin a place for people and reduce the gap between the community and authorities and to attract the citizens of Moscow to this historical heritage and initiate the interest of population to their home city.
The concept The concept of the project is to reduce the gap between the community and the authorities. The Kremlin which is the most well-known historical art heritage in Russia is mostly associated not with the art but with the power. As far as my opinion is concerned we should make it more available, and by that I don’t only mean that it must be adapted for people with special needs (that is obvious), but for everyone else. The community and authority are equal players in the life of the country. The art is available for everyone, it’s not the elitist aspect of life. In that case by this concept we can show the audience that everyone is equal and that art is available for everyone.
The communication strategy
Step 1 creating a brand new logo. The first point of the communication strategy ofthis project is creating a brand new logo. The Moscow Kremlin is something that is taken forgranted as it shouldn’t be promoted at all. By thisstrategy we can attract more people to thishistorical heritage and advertise the artistic eventwhich can be organized in the Kremlin. The actuallogo is connected a lot more with the power andassociated more with the tsar power, gapbetween the authorities and communities thanwith the history of our great country.To create a new logo we mixed the two parts ofthe Kremlin – the metaphorical and the actualone. The actual logo
The logo The metaphorical component is heart, as the Kremlin is the heartof Russia. We use the form of anatomical heart to get back to thenatural origin.The actual component is the form of the Kremlin walls.The mixture of these components lets us create a simple,available and clear logo which contains the concept.
Step 2. renewing the website The second point is renewing the website. The structure of the actual website is quiteappropriate, however our aim is to make it moreinteractive, to add more links. The new websiteshould say “This is a great historic value of agreat country, but you are very welcome totake part in its life!”. We are going to add thewindow “News” at the main page so everyonecan get up-to-date information concerning theKremlin. We will add a link uniting the social nets(FB, VK, Instagram, Youtube) and the websiteand also a link to the interactive contest.
The model of the new website
Step 3 creating an interative contest The third point is creating an interative contest with the educational and promotional purposes. It is called “A key to the heart”. The concept is related with the logo – if the Kremlin is symbolized with the heart, then we should show that anyone who has interest and motivation to learn more about this historical heritage can find a key to this heart. The key is knowledge. We will encourage the population (mostly the citizens of Moscow) to learn more about the city of Moscow. The contest will consist of ten daily questions. Every week we have winners who gets a 50% discount in the Moscow Kremlin museums and this is their chance to find a key to the heart. Every month we can do special lotteries and turn this action into a great national contest. The contest can be adapted for people with special needs – we can publish the questions not only in written, but also in audio form.
Step 4 #hashtag The forth point is connected with the social networks through creating a #hashtag which can be associated with the Kremlin itself and with the current exhibition. The hashtag should be simple and international and we will post it on the website. We also can provide the museums with the press walls so the customers can do photos using it as a background.
Step 5 arranging free educational courses The fifth point is arranging free educational courses, which will widen people’s interest to their home city and publishing special historical literature. We can find professionals in the historical field and every weekend arrange a 2- hour free lections concerning the history of Moscow. This can be interesting for different groups of people, including various social, age groups and people with different physical possibilities. The space where lections take place should create a safe and available environment.
Conclusion This is how I see the development of the Moscow Kremlin as the main historical and artistic heritage of Russian Federation. I am sure that this project of communication campaign can be actualized and help the Kremlin to evolve in the following aspects: 1.To become more open to the population and through this widen the number of customers; 2.Become an educational center in the field of Moscow history; 3.To attract more social groups to the museums of Kremlin through creating a friendly, safe and available environment. The main purpose is to change the image of the Kremlin and show people that this place is more about participation, collaboration and national pride than about the authorities.