Further analysis reveals the impact that each of these experiences has on Satisfaction. Event Image Recognition Event Activities Advertising/ Communication Caregiver Activities Committee Member Meetings Kick-off Meetings Check-in (at the event) ACS Support Committee Support Event Food Event Parking Online registration Bank Nights Team Captain Meetings Online fundraising Event Bathrooms Event Location Team Site RFL.org website High Impact Low Impact Medium Impact It is the Participants’ actual experience at the event which drives their overall satisfaction. Track/ Sound System
Understanding the impacts at this level helps to paint a clearer picture of where we need to focus our efforts. High Impact
Recognizing participants for their involvement is a key opportunity to improve the overall RFL event experience. With low scores and a high impact Recognition is an area where there is much room for improvement. Who we recognize and how we recognize them is key component. In addition to personal recognition, participants feel strongly that Survivors and Caregivers need to be adequately recognized. Participants are not looking for gifts or prizes as much as they might be seeking acknowledgement. (certificate, newspaper, verbal mention, etc.) If incentives are provided, the criteria surrounding them should be consistent and we must follow through on the delivery. Recognition 76
While many respondents tell us that recognition is not important, the data tells us otherwise. What type of recognition/appreciation did you receive? (please select all that apply) More than ¼ of these participants are likely to be dissatisfied with their overall RFL experience. These participants are the most likely to have higher overall satisfaction with their RFL experience.
Recognition – What are our customers are saying? While recognition is nice, I would prefer that all funds go toward research rather than "buying items" for recognition. Have local newspapers take pictures of teams and write a brief article about each team...something that is free and very inexpensive While it's not necessary to receive recognition for all things (i.e. awards and trophies), receiving thank you cards would have been nice! While I support the efforts of the Relay to raise money for cancer research, it would be nice to have some type of personal recognition for the time, efforts, and achievements to be recognized in some way. When there is NO recognition, anything is an improvement. We worked very hard on our campsite.... no recognition. Our team also went all out with our costumes for the initial walk. No recognition. The incentive rewards were very disappointing. It made it look like you would receive all three gifts for any particular money group. When I did pick what I wanted, the quality was terrible! I am not even sure I will use it. Very disappointing. Source: 2009 RFL Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recognition Conclusions Recognition is occurring and they are doing ok, but there is room for improvement especially for Team Captains and top fundraisers. The national event shirts are being used at the events and many participants are wearing them. In addition, teams are also creating their own shirts. We appear to be doing an adequate job of recognizing the team captains at our events. Nevertheless, there is room to improve our public appreciation of the team captains by simply acknowledging them individually at our events. Top fundraisers, both team and individuals are recognized most often at the closing ceremony. Given the timing of the accounting for the money, it does seem the most logical. There were other various ways that the top fundraisers were recognized with no clear consistency to the recognition. Relay For Life Event Quality Assessment Study Source: 2009 RFL Event Quality Assessment
Recognition Conclusions Statistically, it appears we are doing a better job at acknowledging our sponsors than our top fundraisers at the events. Getting the names of the sponsors out to the participants is the principal form of recognition. Events seem to recognize sponsor mostly at the opening ceremony and most recognized sponsors in multiple ways. Some events did have similar awards – fundraising, best campsite, spirit awards, best theme, most laps. But there was no real consistency to the awards. The incentive program is offered to most of the events. However, the overriding responses seem to have been either focused on nonparticipation to cut expenses or not adequately sharing the information with team captains or team members. It seems staff and chairs are not promoting the incentive program and its benefits. It doesn’t seem to be utilized at all or to its fullest capacity at most events. Relay For Life Event Quality Assessment Study Source: 2009 RFL Event Quality Assessment
Committee Members and Survivors are the most satisfied with the events, while Team Captains provide significantly lower ratings. Overall Satisfaction by Role Overall Satisfaction (Nationwide) N = 75,455 R 2 = Statistically Significant
Team Captain- What matters most? Top 3 Impacts on Satisfaction Team Captains are the least satisfied participants with lower scores in almost all areas. Team Captains who rated the event low felt that as the evening goes on, the quality and quantity of entertainment diminishes, making it difficult to retain people through the closing ceremony. Dissatisfaction with Event Activities is often linked to poor performance with the Survivor Lap and/ or Luminaria ceremony. Recognition is a critical satisfaction component for Team Captains. - More could be done to show appreciation for their overall involvement as well as their fundraising efforts.
Just how important is recognition to Team Captains? What type of recognition/appreciation did you receive? (please select all that apply) Compared to other participants, Team Captains are twice as likely to be dissatisfied with their overall RFL experience. Over ½ of these Team Captains are likely to be Very Satisfied with their RFL experience.
Team Member Perspective Like the community involvement See Relay as a good cause Want stronger organization Like the fun activities Want ceremonies that energize, motivate…participants being respectful Like the personal and emotional aspects (luminaria, survivors) Lack clarity on what is a caregiver and what the Fight Back ceremony is Diversity – feel all their community is represented Want to be appreciated & informed “I am making a difference” Relay For Life Event Quality Assessment Study Source: 2009 RFL Event Quality Assessment
Event Activities Formulate agendas which provide entertainment/ activities throughout the course of the event. Improve the overall quality/ type of entertainment. Increase the number of family/ children related activities. Stay on schedule. Recommendations Recognition Publicly acknowledge of participants for their efforts (volunteering, fundraising, etc) via local newspaper, notes, and/or RFL.org. Make recognition a priority, especially for Team Captains, Survivors and Caregivers. Be consistent with how we provide awards and recognition. Source: 2009 RFL Customer Satisfaction Survey
Recognition (Top Fundraisers & Team Captains) Findings & Recommendations Why: - Not utilizing FR club/signs - Closing ceremonies are rushed - No closing ceremony - Recognition done at wrap up - Don’t see the value of recognition - Lack of knowledge Fix: - More planning/prep – closing ceremony - More training on FC club / Closing and how to use - Connect the value – FC club / recognition / closing - Alternative times – not just at closing - Recognition committee position - Place importance on recognizing team captains - Have a team captain lap