St. George Petrol Pumpers Mar – May 2009
Background Objective Deliver an experience that excites and surprises customers to independent petrol stations. The campaign should deliver reinforcement of how St George will go the extra mile for their customers so to speak, and that service is something they take pride in - hence the service of physically filling cars up not just paying for the fuel. Customer Profile There is no limit to the target market, all customers are eligible to receive the service. Timing and Locations QLD and VIC 12 shifts per market 1 shift every Friday for 3 mths at selected petrol stations 3 hr shifts, 4 staff per shift Exact locations TBC
Shift Outline Ambassadors will be representing St. George bank and will be placed at a selected petrol station for a 3 hr shift. The staff are to be based at a pump each and are to offer to pump the fuel for the customer as they pull up to the pump. No strings attached. Once the fuel is pumped the staff member is then to “surprise” the customer by offering to “fix up the bill on behalf of St. George Bank.” The customer leaves the petrol station feeling very happy and surprised that they didn’t have to fill up or pay for the fuel.
Prior to the shift If any OH&S is required you will be advised otherwise please ensure you have read the following notes well and are comprehensive with what is expected of you. ON ARRIVAL You need to all arrive together 15MINS EARLY and the selected supervisor for the shift should introduce the team to the staff member and area manager on duty at the fuel station and explain to them what you are there for. You will then be taken through a site specific induction which will show you basic on site OH&S that you need to be aware of. Please confirm with the attendee that it is ok to put up the tear drop banners and A Frame and ask them where is most suitable. Please try and keep them in as best view of the passing traffic as possible. Once these are up please have the supervisor hand a copy of the $ tracking form to the attendee so they can track the $ value of fuel that is being paid for by the promotion. Please run through the redemption process with them to remind them of how it will work. Payment has been organised between Urban management and the Venue manager/owner and if they have any further hassles / questions please contact Suzzie Johnstone
During the Shift You are each to be positioned on a separate fuel pump and are to greet customers as they pull up at the pump. You will greet the customer and ask them politely if they would like their fuel to be pumped? Please ensure you ask what type of fuel they would like you to fill up with and ensure you select what they asked for. If asked questions about the fuel station or products you are to direct them to the attendant on duty. Once completed filling up you are to hand the customer a St. George Bank card and or some merchandise and also a redemption card (with the $ value of their tank and pump number written on it) and advise them that St. George will fix up the bill for them today. The customer can then go inside the venue and hand the redemption card to the attendee who will then track the $$ on the tracking form. The time, pump number, and $$ value will be recorded and will be signed by the attendee. The attendee will put aside all of the redemption vouchers so the supervisor can ensure that each one has been accounted for on the tracking form at the end of the shift. Please note you are to approach the cars randomly and approach them as they arrive at the bowsers. Keeping in mind that they are there to “pump their petrol for them” and that getting the bill is an added bonus/surprise
Scripting – Customer Experience Scenario Please follow the scenario guideline below Ambassador:“Hi and welcome to (location) I am a St. George Petrol Pumper and if it’s ok I will pump your fuel for you today?” Customer: “Yes please that would be lovely, Unleaded please.” –If the customer asks about where you are from you can just explain that you are an ambassador for St. George Bank and that you are here today to provide an extra service of pumping petrol for the afternoon. –Only fuel to be pumped is unleaded unless the service station specifies otherwise. This reduces any possible confusion with diesel and gas products and pumping techniques. Ambassador:“We have filled your car up, and on behalf of St. George we would like to pay for your fuel today also. Please take this voucher to the counter and St. George will fix up the bill for you.” Customer:“Great thank you very much” Ambassador:“Your very welcome, have a fantastic evening.”
Redemption Process VOUCHERS PROCESS Customer to be advised that St. George are picking up the bill. Customer to be handed voucher with pump no. written on it, $ value and initials of Petrol Pumper Customer to hand this to the station attendee Service station attendee to track on the tracker the time, pump number, $ value and initial/signature and put voucher aside. Service station attendee to advise supervisor/petrol pumper when $ value becomes $ ($ remaining). This will ensure that the supervisor can manage NOT going over the $ cap. When the supervisor is aware that there is only $ remaining only 2 staff are to continue to give out free fuel so the $ can be easily tracked and the other two will continue to just pump fuel.
What to do if: Someone asks you to check their oil or their tyre pressure? You are not to do anything other than fill up the cars You come within $80.00 or less of the $1,000 cap? The supervisor by this stage should have organise for staff to be only pumping fuel and not offering to fix up the bill. If someone comes in and fills up with less than the remaining $ value on the cap we can fix this up however we CANNOT go over the $1, cap Some one gets irate that they didn't receive the free fuel offer? If someone is questioning why they didn't receive the free fuel, politely explain to them that you are here on behalf of St. George bank to pump customers fuel and randomly throughout the afternoon free fuel is being given. If they are persistent and become angered that they didn't receive the free fuel please diffuse the situation by offering to fix up their bill. Only do this if they become over angered. What to do if you have a spillage of the petrol or you overfill the tank? You must immediately follow the instructions you are given in the inductions and advise the attendant immediately Someone asks to fill up their jerry can? You are to explain to them that you are only authorised to pump into cars Someone asks for diesel or gas? You canNOT pump any other fuel product than the blue, yellow and green unleaded products. If anyone asks for diesel or gas you have to politely respond and explain to them that you are only authorised to pump the blue yellow and green fuels today.
What to do if cont... You reach the $ cap before the 3hr shift finish time? You are to continue pumping fuel but NOT offering to pay for it at the end. Someone asks for diesel or gas? You can NOT pump any other fuel product than the blue, yellow and green unleaded products. If anyone asks for diesel or gas you have to politely respond and explain to them that you are only authorised to pump the blue yellow and green fuels today. Someone pulls up in a truck? Please avoid in an unobvious way, trucks and 4WD cars as filling these cars can be quite expensive and may blow the budgeted cap.
Uniforms Uniform guidelines are extremely important and MUST be adhered to. Top – Branded Hi Vis long sleeved top Long jeans Closed in LEATHER shoes St George Caps These uniforms are according to safety standards and if are not adhered to you will be sent home and are so important that the promotion may be cancelled if we are seen to be wearing inappropriate attire.
Mobile Phones & Safety MOBILE PHONES ARE NOT PERMITTED Not even in your back pocket on silent As you will be aware there are heavy restrictions on having mobile phones in and around petrol stations and you are NOT to have them on person at any time. If you are caught with one, even texting or checking the time or even sitting in your pocket you will be asked to leave the shift immediately and you will be immediately dismissed from Urban. This shift is to be taken very seriously as you are in a high hazard risk zone and if you lose any attention to what you are doing it could result in a very dangerous situation. There is to be no chatter or joking around whilst on shift, you are to be very serious and attentative about what you are doing.
Locations & Reporting QLD and VIC locations / shifts will all be on promo port. Please check this prior to your shift as per usual and check where it is you are working. Please remember to organise to car pool or plan alternate parking options as not all stations have available parking. Reporting will be completed online, however there will be a hard copy report that the supervisor will need to be completed by all pumpers before leaving the shift. Photos may not be the easiest to get on these shifts but please ensure that you get at least 2 on each shift even if it is at the end of the shift & a group shot (not on the fuelling floor obviously) Please have reports uploaded by Monday 10am.