2015 The Year of the Customer By Executive Director, Jean Rinehart
The Customer is #1
Where do you find NEW customers?
- Vendor Fairs
Where do you find NEW customers? -Vendor Fairs -Open Houses
Where do you find NEW customers? -Vendor Fairs -Open Houses -Small, but fun themed evenings
Event Sign up sheet Hosting a show Selling Send me a catalogue X X X
Have FUN with your customers… the small “stuff” will be the key to your success.
Special Message on your Envelope A+ - “it’s back to school we go ” Special Someone… Happy Mother’s Day Scaredy Fun Treats!! Khaki Check Weave is Here…… When, what to my wondering eyes should appear…. But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer!
Host Coaching: “Who is coming tonight that may enjoy doing what I do?
Host Coaching: “Who is coming tonight that may enjoy doing what I do? Sit by that person at the end of the show and get to know them.
Referral Card:
Open House:
Send Thank you note with personal note inside and business card to everyone that orders from you! Jean gets hers from
~Finding new ~Pay attention to current customers ~Try lots of ideas to see what works for you ~Create a wonderful memory and you will create a Customer for Life ~Love and Work with you Customer in 2015 ~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Eric Harvey… “A Crash Course on Customer Service”
The TEN most important words: “I apologize for our mistake. Let me make it right.”
The NINE most important words: “Thank you for your business. Please come back again.”
The EIGHT most important words: “I’m not sure, but I will find out.”
The SEVEN most important words: “What else can I do for you?”
The SIX most important words: “What is most convenient for you?”
The FIVE most important words: “How may I serve you?”
The FOUR most important words: “How did we do?”
The THREE most important words: “Glad you’re here!”
The TWO most important words: “Thank you!”
The ONE most important word: “YES!”
For the finale for any Customer Service Thoughts…. Google and watch…. JOHNNIE THE BAGGER!
Thank you for participating in this series of Tuesday Trainings! If you have found these helpful, please let your director know, so that we can consider doing them again! Have a wonderful Holiday Season! From your Directors!