Title I Annual Meeting and Informational Session Walnut Creek Elementary Wednesday, August 26, :30 PM Media Center
Title I provides federal funding to schools to help students who are low achieving or at most risk of falling behind. Title I funds are allocated to schools based on the percentage of student receiving free/reduced lunch. Schools with a percentage of at least 40% are eligible for a school-wide program. Definition of Title I:
Walnut Creek Elementary operates a Title I School-wide Program.
Georgia Title I Rewards School 2014
The school uses Title I funds to upgrade the entire educational program of the school. Title I funds are used to serve all children in order to raise academic achievement. Title I funds will be used to provide additional assistance to all students who experience difficulties in meeting the state’s performance targets. School-wide means
The school must have a free/reduced lunch count of at least 40%. Walnut Creek’s Title I status is based on % free/reduced lunch. The school must collect and analyze data that effects student achievement. The school must develop a comprehensive site plan and annually review the effectiveness of the plan. To be a “School-wide” School
Summary Continue to improve reading and math proficiency at all grade levels Increase parent involvement through the use of the Parent Involvement Paraprofessional Continue rigorous curriculum expectations Enhance teacher knowledge through continued professional learning opportunities Ease transition from pre-kindergarten programs through work with feeder daycares Create student portfolios for all students
Walnut Creek Elementary School Goals 90% of students in grades K-5 will meet and/or exceed grade level expectations for IKAN and GloSS. 85%of students in grade K-5 will read and comprehend at Lexile Levels on or above grade level. Students in grades K-5 will demonstrate proficiency of at least 80% on grade level technology goals.
Curriculum and Instructional Strategies Instructional Focus Time: 45 minutes daily at each grade level Literacy and Math Coaches to assist teachers and provide professional development School Improvement Focus Teams Literacy Math Technology School Culture Resource Room for teachers Parent Resource Room for parents Parent Involvement Paraprofessional for parent support Student portfolios Student led parent/teacher conferences
Assessment The results from the Georgia Milestones testing have not been released. When these scores are released, they will published on the Henry County Schools’ and the WCE websites.
Title I Parent Notification Requirements
Parent Involvement Plan This document outlines opportunities for involvement, school services and other ways the school will ensure that parents are kept informed and involved in their child’s education. Drafts were posted on the WCES website and in the WCES main office from, Wednesday, August 19, 2015, through Wednesday, August 26, 2015, for your review. The finalized plan will be placed on the WCES website on Monday, August 31, 2015.
School-Parent Compact This document describes how the students, parents, and school will work together to do everything possible to ensure student success! Drafts were posted on the WCES website and in the WCES main office from, Wednesday, August 19, 2015, through Wednesday, August 26, 2015, for your review. The finalized plan will be placed on the WCES website on Monday, August 31, Parents were welcome to make suggestions and comments about the draft compact during this review window. All parents will receive an up-dated compact to sign on Monday, September 14, 2015.
Parent’s Right to Know – Student Achievement Parent’s Right To Know - (Section 1111(h)(6)(A-C)) Staff Qualifications Whether the teachers have met state qualifications for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction; ♦ Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other professional status that the state has waived; ♦ The degree major of the teacher and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher and the field of discipline of the certification or degree; and ♦ Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and if so their qualifications.
Parent’s Right to Know – Student Achievement Parent’s Right To Know - (Section 1111(h)(6)(A-C)) Additional Information - A school that receives Title I funds must provide to each individual parent – ♦ Information on the level of achievement the child has made on all state assessments; and ♦ Timely notice to the parent when their child has been assigned or taught for 4 or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly-qualified. Format – The notice and information provided to parents under this paragraph shall be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand.
All teachers at Walnut Creek Elementary are highly-qualified. All paraprofessionals at Walnut Creek Elementary are highly-qualified. Parent’s Right to Know – Non-Highly Qualified Teachers
How Can You Be Involved?
Getting the Word Out Remind is a way for parents, community members and staff to text update about happenings at WCES. Sign up today!!!
Getting the Word Out Ways we communicate with parents: Website Remind Calling post Flyers home Marque board Newsletter
Ways to Get Involved Attend Annual Title I Meeting Curriculum Night Attend parent/teacher conferences Visit the Parent Resource Room Volunteer to help in our volunteer program Attend parent workshops Check the website for events and other important information Know your child’s teacher and how to contact him/her when you have concerns Make sure your child completes classwork and homework daily
Title I Budget At WCES All Title I funds spent at WCES align with the school improvement plan. Involves yearly goal setting Needs are assessed Helps guide curriculum and spending of school funds Updated yearly Ties in with the Title I plan State, local and Title I funds are used to help carry out the plan. Title I budget Pays salaries of Literacy and Math lead teachers/coaches, a science/social studies teacher and Parent Involvement Paraprofessional Technology in classrooms Reading and math materials Parent Involvement Activities
Parent Involvement in Decision Making Parent input is important to the success of any school. At WCES we solicit input in a number of ways. School Council Title I Task Force Principal’s 2 nd Cup of Coffee Surveys and questionnaires Suggestions, comments and concerns at parent events
Upon the request of parents, the school must provide opportunities for regular meetings for parents to formulate suggestions and to participate, as appropriate, in decisions about the education of their children. The school must respond to any such suggestions as soon as practicably possible. Right to Request Meetings
Rita Pitner, Walnut Creek Elementary Principal Sandra Moore, Title 1 County Coordinator For more information on Title I, parent involvement and standardized testing results, please see the GADOE, Henry County Schools’ and the WCES websites. Contact Information