Unit 10 Lesson 38 At The Tailor’s Shop
1. Pre-reading 2. Fast reading and Test1 3. Intensive reading and Test2 4. Reading and acting 5. Discussion 6.Homework
1.Pre-reading £ 1,000,000 Bank-note change
1.Pre-reading A brief introduction to the story 链接
1.Pre-reading A brief introduction to the story 1.Who was Mark Twain? When and where was he born? 2.What was his first story and masterpiece? 3.Where was the £ 1,000,000 Bank-note from? Why did the brothers give it to a stranger? 4.What happened to the young man with the £ 1,000,000 bank-note?
1.Who was Mark Twain? When and where was he born? 2.What was his first story and masterpiece? An American short story writer, who was born in 1835 by Mississippi river. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County“ 《卡拉维拉县有名的跳蛙》 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1884) 《哈克贝利. 费恩历险记》 we have learnt his short story( 竞选州长 ) the run of governor. About Mark Twain 1.Pre-reading
3.Where was the £ 1,000,000 Bank-note from? Why did brothers give it to a stranger? It was from an England bank. In fact, it was of no use at all. But brothers bet( 打赌 ) on what would happen if one had nothing but a bank- note of £ 1,000,000. About the £ 1,000,000 Bank-note A : He would starve to death B:He would live very well. 1.Pre-reading
About the £ 1,000,000 Bank-note 4.What happened to the young man with the £ 1,000,000 bank-note? The lucky young man got everything he wanted without paying, including respect and love. 1.Pre-reading
Fast reading and Test1 You will be given ten minutes to finish reading the text and taking test1. Please make sure you type your Chinese name correctly. Choose the best answer, then click “ 提交 ”. 链接 video Text 1Test 1Your nameChoose the best Submit “ 提交 ”
Ah, here’s the thing I am after. Ah, here’s the I am looking for.
Intensive reading In the text, some of the expressions( 表达 ) are a little different from modern English. Read the text more carefully and get the meaning of old English. Then take test2. 链接
Reading and acting Watch the film and pay attention to the characters’ facial expression( 脸部表情 ). 链接
Goodness me! Six zeros! I know the gentlemen like you carry only large notes.
C=Customer, SA=shop assistant, M=Manager. Then act the dialogue in groups of three. C=Customer, SA=shop assistant, M=Manager. Reading and acting
Discussion If I won $1,000,000 链接
Homework Drawing Draw a picture to describe the three characters. 这是一份创意作业,为人物画像,通过 电脑画图工具完成,并配以简要的解说词, 通过作品上传系统上传,同学们可以进行 互相评价,评价标准为思想内容 30 分,创 意 30 分,技术美工 20 分,文字解说(英语) 20 分。