Review of Course Themes Understanding the Customer
Week 1 In week 1, you were introduced to the definition of Customer Service…according to the author of the textbook, Timm R. Paul CUSTOMER SERVICE…should be as routine as paying your bills or ordering office supplies. It doesn’t have to be elaborate to be impressive. Often it’s the small things that customers remember: a phone call returned on time, a card to mark a special occasion, a thank you note or a gift. REVISITING QUESTIONS At the end of the course…do you agree with the above definition? Has your opinions about customer service changed? Would you change YOUR definition of a customer? We asked the question is the customer always right?—What is your answer now?
Week 2—Who is the Customer WHO IS THE CUSTOMER 1. Why does good customer service matter? 2. Who is the healthcare customer? 3. Definition of what a customer is…something to do with value? 4. Internal customers, external customers, inter-professional customers, who are they? 5. What is teamwork…why is it necessary and how can you successfully work in a team?
Week 3—Understanding how behaviors and personality influence customer service 1. Rules of communication, what are they and what do they mean? 2. What are various individual behaviours that will engage and please our clients Name 5, why would you use them? 3. What are various organizational behaviours that convey a customer- centered organization? Name 3, why would you use them? 4. Why are first impressions so important in a healthcare facility? 5. What are the four different types of communication styles—which style is the BEST way to communicate?
Week 4—Understanding the importance of listening and great communication to promote excellent customer service Why do we need to always practice listening? What is the problem with listening? What is the cocktail party effect? Name three Bad Listening Habits Name one Environmental and one Interactional elements that affect listening? How can you take steps to improve your listening?
Week 5—The effects of the Internet on Customer Service UNDERSTANDING THE CHANGING ROLE OF THE INTERNET AND HOW IT IS AFFECTING THE WAY THAT WE INTERACT WITH CUSTOMERS 1. Basic vs. an Interactive website— what is the difference? 2. What should a healthcare website contain to make it client friendly and functional? 3. How can we use Social Networking sites and Internet and technological communication to provide better customer service?
Week 5—Diversity and the Customer (internal and external) 1. Diversity—what does discrimination look like? 2. Diversity in healthcare— why is it important to have an open mind 3. Diversity in a healthcare team—what does that look like? 4. What steps can we take to begin to enjoy diversity?