Exercises on Pooling Exchangeable Matched Strata
Exercises on Logistic Regression For Matched Data
Answers to Exercises on Pooling Exchangeable Matched Sets 1. How many concordant pairs are there where both pair members are exposed? «1» 2. How many concordant pairs are there where both members are unexposed? «1» 3. How many discordant pairs are there where the case is exposed and the control is unexposed? «2» 4. How many discordant pairs are there where case is unexposed and the control is exposed? «1» 5. This table is called «McNemar's» table. 6. What is the estimated mOR for these data? «2» 7. What type of matched analysis is being used with this table? «unpooled» 8. What is the estimated mOR from these data (use the formula for the mOR in the box below)? «2.5» 9. What type of matched analysis is being used here? «pooled» 10. Which type of analysis should be preferred for these matched data (where smoking status is the only matched variable), pooled or unpooled? «pooled» 11. W= «2»? 12. X = «1»? 13. Y =«0»? 14. Z= «2»? 15. mOR (unpooled) = «undefined». 16. mOR (pooled) = «2.5». 17. Which of the following helps explain why the pooled mOR estimate should be preferred to the unpooled mOR? a. The pooled mOR's are equal whereas the unpooled mOR's are different. b.The unpooled mOR's assume that exchangeable matched pairs are not unique. c.The pooled mOR's assume that exchangeable matched pairs are unique. «a»
Answers to Exercises on Logistic Regression for Matched Data 1. Which of the logistic models shown below is appropriate for analyzing these data? «b» 2. What method of estimation should be used to fit the appropriate model for these data? «Conditional MLE» 3. What is the adjusted odds ratio for the effect of SMK on cervical cancer outcome? «exp(1.4361)» 4. Is number of lifetime sexual partners a significant predictor of cervical cancer outcome, controlling for the matching variables and the other non-matching variables? «yes» 5. Are the matching variables being controlled? «yes» 6. A 95% CI for the (adjusted) effect of SMK is given by the expression «exp[ (.3167)]»