Key elements of a successful CIS: Recruiting and training of qualified staff UICC, ICISG, Washington 2006 Cora Honing, Director of Prevention and Patient Support, Dutch Cancer Society
Context and mission National Cancer Control Program Policy Dutch Cancer Society 75% of the cancer patients are familiar the with CIS of the DCS 50% of the cancer patients make use of the CIS 15% increase of cancer patients who are able to make choices on treatment
Crucial elements in recruiting staff Aims of your service Target groups of your service Staff: volunteers or professionals
Being succesful in recruiting staff Identify qualifications/skills which can add value to your team Specify professional qualifications/skills Involve information specialists in the recruiting procedure Let candidates ‘experience your CIS’
Overall aim of your training program To enable information specialists to offer a high quality service helping users with their questions and concerns
Different types of staff training Initial training Continuing training Specific training Content of training: State of the art medical and psychosocial topics Communication skills Counseling skills Policies and procedures Use of resources