Preparation for PSYA4 Exam February 2010
Review BATs Use strategies to improve my grade in the exam Use a mark scheme to assess performance
The PSYA4 Exam 85 marks Parts A (Schizophrenia) and B (Addiction) = 25 marks each 9 marks description (AO1), 16 marks Evaluation (AO2/3) Roughly 10/25 min time split. Part C – Research Methods = mins. How Science Works (AO3)
Top Tips The difference between a good answer and a mediocre one is that you have correctly identified what the examiner wants and provides it. Make sure the content is relevant. Make a brief plan – and then stick to it!! Jot down AO1 items and then AO2 (double the amount!!) Highlight the command words and key content points
Top Tips At the start don’t waste time re-stating the question!! You have very little time so make sure you can write succinctly – BUT with enough depth and breadth to pick up marks In other words try not to repeat yourself or waffle!!
Top Tips – Evaluation Skills For marks you can …. Analyse, evaluate and apply to show good understanding of the topic Essay is well focused on the question. Good line of argument Elaborated and explained/justified critical points Used relevant issues, debates and approaches (Synoptic points) Used psychological language effectively Ideas expressed clearly and fluently Where was the A02/3?
Top Tips – Which Order? Some like to start with the topic they find easiest Others like to start with the hardest! Part C may be a good one to start with as the answers are shorter and it is easy to pick up marks Leave a space at the beginning and end so if you have time you can add in an intro and a conclusion
Timing is everything!! Take a watch into the exam 35mins each for Part A and B 45 mins for part C 10 mins for planning and re-reading Do not overrun each time!! It is better to do both essays getting 15 marks and 20 for part C than 2 fantastic 20/25 mark essays!
Practice question – Addictive Behaviour Why do you think many people can drink alcohol regularly in social settings without becoming addicted? (5 marks) Discuss ways in which the media can have both positive and negative effects on addictive behaviours. (10marks) Adolescent problem gamblers have been shown to have more school-related difficulties. Why should these two observations be correlated? (5 marks) Plan for 5-10 minutes, write for 30mins maximum
Socially Sensitive Research Read p and identify examples of SSR Answer questions 2-4 p285 What can Psychologists do to minimise the effects of SSR?
Practice question – Research Methods Answer qu 5 p297 (or questions on p302) Extension – qu 4 p297 In the exam you should give about 50 minutes to answer the Research Methods section Share your answers with your partner. What marks would you both get?
Pub Quiz Get into groups Good Luck!!!