1 THE INTRODUCTION OF THE FIRST NPP IN TUNISIA PROJECT STATUS Jomaâ Souissi Souad Baccouche Société Tunisienne d’Electricité et du Gaz Centre National des Sciences et Technologies Nucléaires Technical Meeting/Workshop on Evaluation Methodology for Nuclear Power Infrastructure Development December 2008
2 Outline 1- Introduction to Tunisia 2- Introduction of the first NPP in Tunisia 3- Legal framework 4- Strategic plan 5- Site selection 6- Human resources development
3 Introduction to Tunisia Total area : km² Population ~ 10 millions (2007)
4 Limited national production of hydrocarbons, problem if absence of new ressources. Rapid change of fuel prices, affecting appreciably the cost of the kWh. Increasing demand for electricity (6,6 % average). Weak cost of nuclear fuel compared to the total cost of the kWh produced (15% compared to 68 % for fossile fuel) The kWh cost is not very sensitive to the price fluctuations of nuclear fuel. Energy Sources Diversification (in 2007, 82 % of the produced electricity comes from natural gas). Reduction of the CO2 emissions Development of local industry and creation of job. Justification of the introduction of NPP in Tunisia
5 Electricity production (Current situation )
6 Future Scénarios Energy comsumption (Future )
7 Electricity comsumption (Future )
8 Introduction of the first NPP in Tunisia The feasibility study : contucted by Electricity Authority (STEG) Nuclear Research Center (CNSTN) Nuclear Research Center (CNSTN) decision of the government: November 2006) (November 2006) a - Cooperation with IAEA b - Cooperation with CEA (France) c - Establishment of related national institutions d - Humane resources Development to build the first nuclear power plant by 2020
9 Previous activities Evaluation of optimal date to introduce the first NPP in the country ( by 2020: 600 to 1000 MW). Selection of 4 candidate sites. Drafting project on legal framework Conducted between
10 Work organization Establishment of a working group in STEG Meeting : every two weeks 10 persons Working group Constitution of taskforce for the preparation of all aspect related to this project from representative of: Taskforce STEG CNSTN Ministry of Industry
11 Legal framework Work achieved First step to consider is the legal framework Creation of a working group for legislation aspects : several working group meetings are held Creation of a working group for legislation aspects : several working group meetings are held Review of the national legislation related to the safe and peaceful uses of nuclear energy Review of the national legislation related to the safe and peaceful uses of nuclear energy Legislative framework Regulatory framework
12 Legal framework Organization of workshop (with IAEA) related to the nuclear legislation including: Organization of workshop (with IAEA) related to the nuclear legislation including: Scope and components of nuclear law Scope and components of nuclear law and regulation Codes and standards, licensing process, assessments, inspections Radiation protection and regulatory control of radioactive materials and other sources of ionizing radiation Nuclear safety and the necessity of establishing of a regulatory body Work achieved
13 Legal framework Work in progress a- Draft law on the peaceful use of nuclear energy and its applications being completed b- Elaboration of draft decree related to the creation and the organization of the Authority for Nuclear Safety (ASN) c- Elaboration of draft decree related to the creation and the organization of the National Nuclear Energy Authority (ANEN) (ANEN) equivalent to (NEPIO) (ASN) equivalent to Regulatory body
14 Legal framework Ministerial Council will be held in near future for the creation of : Authority for Nuclear Safety (ASN)Authority for Nuclear Safety (ASN) National Nuclear Energy Authority (ANEN)National Nuclear Energy Authority (ANEN) The draft decree related to the Authority for Nuclear Safety Work in progress Prime ministry Ministry of industry Ministry of higher education The draft decree related to the National Nuclear Energy Authority Prime ministry Ministry of industry Ministry of higher education
15 Legal framework Authority for Nuclear Safety National Nuclear Energy Authority Prime Ministry Directly linked
16 National Nuclear Energy Authority Legislation
17 Strategic plan Based on IAEA guide « NG-G 3.1 » Milestones in the Development of a National Milestones in the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power Infrastructure for Nuclear Power Review of the first phase of this plan with two IAEA experts (August 2008)Review of the first phase of this plan with two IAEA experts (August 2008) Review of the first phase of this plan with CEA (France) (November 2008)Review of the first phase of this plan with CEA (France) (November 2008) Work achieved
18 Energy planning Work achieved Energy planning Project : (with IAEA): Experts mission (November 2007) for the initiation of a feasibility study on nuclear power Training of STEG staff and other institutions on energy planning models Development of three scenarios on energy demand by 2030 Review of different scenarios by an expert of the IAEA
19 Review of certain assumptions regarding: Energy Efficiency transportation GDP growth Work in progress Elaboration of a program for the energy infrastructure development with the integration of nuclear energy Energy planning
20 Site selection Work achieved Review and synthesis of previous studies Review and synthesis of previous studies Sites parameters Review by two IAEA experts Sites parameters Review by two IAEA experts meteorological and atmospheric characteristicmeteorological and atmospheric characteristic external eventsexternal events (flood) human activitieshuman activities Dispersal of radioactive materialDispersal of radioactive material Evaluation of seismic riskEvaluation of seismic risk
21 Site selection Identification of actions which could be executed by national institutionsIdentification of actions which could be executed by national institutions Elaboration of site specificationsElaboration of site specifications Work in progress
22 Human resources development Work achieved Training of working group staff (4 weeks, France) Training of 7 people in nuclear engineering (1 year, France) Evaluation of needed competency (STEG) during the different phases of the project : Pre par atio n I n v i t i n g b i d s C o n s t r u c t i o n O p e r a t i o n
23 Human resources development Training and qualification for the specification elaboration tender Training and qualification of competencies for the analysis and Tenders Needs in expertise assistance Work in progress
24 Thank you for your attention !