Hormone Transport and Long Range Signaling
The developmental processes that are controlled by auxin flux
Genetics of Auxin Transport AUX1 proteins: components of auxin influx PIN proteins: components of auxin efflux machinery ABC transporters (ATP binding-cassetle transporters): more auxin transport proteins? Other proteins (ROP,PGR er al.,)
IAA Distribution within the Arabidopsis Root Apex. Plant Cell, 2009, 21: 1621, using a combination of fluorescence- activated cell sorting (FACS) and precise mass spectrometry–based IAA quantification and biosynthesis measurements
Plant Cell. 2007,19(1):148-62
1 Inhibitors of auxin transport block auxin efflux TIBA (三碘苯甲酸), NPA (萘基邻氨甲酰苯甲酸) HFCA (羟基氟 -9- 羧酸, 也称形态素) 1-NOA ( 萘氧乙酸 ) Quercetin (槲皮素) Genistein (金雀异黄素) 2 Mutants for auxin transport (aux1,agr, eir1) 3 Cloning genes encoding carriers of auxin transport Research Methods
(TRENDS in Plant Science 2005,10:170)
ER-localized PIN5 transporter
Tissue-specific and subcellular localization of PINs, PGPs and AUX1 (Biochemical Society Transactions.2007 , 35,: )
PID can directlyphosphorylate PINs and is localized both apically and basally. (Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2009, 12:42–48) PAR proteins
Role of Phosphorylation in Polar Targeting A PIN1 sequence-based signal for decision on the PIN1 subcellular localization. One of major decision regulators are Ser/Thr protein kinase PID and PP2A. The conditional regulation of PIN polarity and directional auxin fluxes by different signalling pathways.
Overview of the subcellular trafficking routes in a polarized plant cell Plant Physiol. 2008,147:
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a Cellular auxin transport.
Role of Secretion and Recycling in Polar Targeting The secretion, clathrin ( 网络蛋白 )- dependent endocytosis ( 内吞作用 ), and subsequent recycling are important processes in the generation of the PIN polar localization.
Arabidopsis ROOT UVB SENSITIVE2/WEAK AUXINRESPONSE1 Is Required for Polar Auxin Transport weak auxin response1 (wxr1) WXR1 is ROOT UV-B SENSITIVE2 (RUS2), a member of the broadly conserved DUF647 domain protein family found in diverse eukaryotic organisms. RUS2/WXR1 is required for auxin transport and to maintain the normal levels of PIN proteins in the root. Plant Cell, : 1749–1761
cytokinins communicate acropetal and systemic long- distance signals,and that structural side chain variations mediate different biological messages.
Cytokinin as local and long- distance signals J Exp Bot, 2008,59:75–83,
Translocation of cytokinin nucleosides is potentially via an equilibrative nucleoside transporter (ENT). Arabidopsis (AtENT1– AtENT8) and rice (OsENT1–OsENT4). AtENT6 could also participate in cytokinin nucleoside transport with a preference for iP riboside in vascular tissue.
subsets of the purine permease family as a transporter of cytokinin nucleobases. ENT as transporter of cytokinin nucleosides
Cytokinins modulate auxin- induced organogenesis (AIO) in plants via regulation of the auxin efflux PNAS 2009,106 (9): 3609–3614
CTK action is its effect on auxin distribution via regulation of expression of auxin efflux carriers.
Distribution and transport of ACC and ethylene ACC is taken up by the roots and transported all over the plant via the xylem ethylene diffuses freely in air, but its diffusion in water is at least 4-fold lower than in air, ethylene may accumulate in submerged plants to levels higher than 1ul /L Within the canopy, ethylene concentrations are enhanced
GA distribution and transport GA taken up by the roots is distributed in the shoot The close association of some of the key GA biosynthesis genes with the vascular tissue may be an indication for the use of transport facilities within the plant. Transport capacities and rates are different for individual GAs
To grow or not to grow: what can we learn on ethylene–gibberellin cross- talk by in silico gene expression analysis? (J Exp Bot, 2008, 59: 1–16)
inflorescence stem (black) adult leaves (white) roots (grey).
inflorescence stems (black), flowers (white), juvenile leaves (grey) adult leaves (white) roots (grey) shoot apex inflorescence stems
Mutual influences of ethylene and GA on each other’s pathways 5mg/l ethylene 3 h 1 umol/l GA
Shoot branching SAM: shoot apical meristem RAM: root apical meristem
lateral root formation
ABA Transport
(Cell, 2006,126:1023)
ABA 和 ABA-GE 在植物茎的再循环和再分配
Intact plant aao3
ABA is synthesized mainly in the leaves in response to drought stress and that some of the ABA accumulated in the leavesis transported to the roots.
Plant Cell Physiol. 2009, 50(7): 1201–1214