Feature Set 1 Mostly drawing enhancements First of many cross-product collaboration tools: eDrawings Markup Import.
Show Hidden Bodies in Parts Just like ‘Show Hidden Components’ in assemblies
Assembly Performance Offenders Ordered list of all components and patterns that slow dow graphics display
eDrawings Markup Imports Copy markups directly from eDrawings file to.slddrw file
Quick Section Views Create complex section views with on-screen pop-up toolbar
Revision Clouds Call out drawing changes with eDrawings-like cloud lines
Feature Set 2 Miscellaneous features
Snapshots in any Document Started in 2012 for assemblies only. Now includes parts.
Simulation Sub-Modeling Run simulations on small subsections of models, with forces and features defined in larger context.
Bounding-Box Cutlist Properties Parametric properties based on length, width, thickness, etc. for any part/body Properties BOM
3DVia Composer Cameras Make complex, multi-view animations
Feature Set 3 Assembly enhancements Make it easier to find, fit, and insert components quickly.
Quick-Pick Document Type Easy filter buttons in ‘Open’ window for parts, assemblies, and drawings
Envelope Enhancements Any part or assembly can be used as an envelope, and, when inserted into drawings, envelope components can have their own line font.
Insert Multiple Parts In ‘Insert Component,’ select multiple components, and insert them one after the other, without stopping
Feature Set 4 Improve model visualization Improved exploded views and cosmetic threads. Improved model creation Improved wizards for plastic mounting bosses and dowel holes.
Multiple Exploded Views More than one exploded view without creating new configs
Rotate Exploded Parts Rotate parts about any axis in an exploded view.
Favorites Folder Create a folder at the top with all your most important/most edited features, sketches, ref geometry, etc.
Plastic Boss Mount Control Edit every aspect of mounting bosses.
Cosmetic Threads… Now you can show shaded cosmetic threads without the dotted lines.
…and Dowel Holes Create dowel holes with the hole wizard. Dowel hole symbols are automatically inserted into drawings.
Thread Interference Control Pair and ignore interference caused by threads.
Feature Set 5 Improvements to existing functionality Patterns, equations, thin extrudes.
Surface Intersect Similar to Cut with Surface, but you can add and remove material at the same time.
Extrude Multiple Thin Contours Finally.
Equation Entry Everywhere The next step in the overhaul of equations, started in Now create full equations in any PropertyManager.
Vary Pattern Dimensions Create a feature pattern, even if you don’t want them spaced at regular intervals.
Feature Set 6 Collaboration tools Features that allow different SolidWorks products to collaborate more effectively.
EPDM – Collaborate with Others Contact info and an Instant Messaging client built into EPDM. Integrates with MS Communicator, , etc.
DraftSight – EPDM Checkout The beginning of DraftSight integration into ‘real’ SolidWorks products.
DraftSight – Copy Sketches Copy entitles directly from DraftSight into a new sketch in SolidWorks
Previous Release Interoperability!!! Open SolidWorks 2013 Files in 2012 SP5. Any changes made in one version are carried over to the other, with no data loss. No need to save in special format.