WARM UP What is your understanding of ‘victim blaming’? How do you feel when this happens? Is it justified at times?
OBJECTIVE We will identify and describe all 5 biases in the attribution process. You will reflect on a time in which you demonstrated or experienced one of these biases. Finally, you will judge which bias is the most harmful or helpful and describe why.
ESSENTIAL QUESTION How do we explain the behaviors of both ourselves and others? What are some implications of this process?
REVIEW INTERNAL (DISPOSITIONAL) ATTRIBUTION: low consensus, high consistency, low distinctiveness EXTERNAL (SITUATIONAL) ATTRIBUTION: High consensus, high consistency CONSISTENCY- CONSENSUS- DISTINCTIVENESS: high consensus, high distinctiveness
5 BIASES Results: Fundamental Attribution Error : overestimating internal influences and underestimating external (situational) influences when judging the behavior of others. “He is poor because he is lazy.”
ACTOR OBSERVER BIAS: Attributing your own behavior to external causes and the behavior of others to internal causes: “I didn’t do well on the exam because I didn’t study, but she didn’t do well because she is just not good at math” SELF-SERVING BIAS: Attributing success to internal factors and failures to external factors: “I won the game because I’m really great…I lost the other game because of the ref.” Just World Hypothesis: belief that good people are rewarded and bad people are punished: “She deserved to be assaulted because she wore those revealing clothes- she was asking for it.” False Consensus Effect: tendency to think others share our attitudes more than they actually do: “Everyone must love coffee…”
DOL L.1: Identify the 5 biases in the attribution process. L2: Provide an example from your experiences in which you either demonstrated or experienced one of these biases. L.3: Which bias do you think is the most harmful or helpful and why?