V.I. Konov et all Folie 1 Alexander M. Prokhorov Ninetieth anniversary 90
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V.I. Konov et all Folie 3 Alexander M. Prokhorov – born in Atertone (Australia) 1934 – 1939 – student of State University (Leningrad) 1941 – 1944 – military service
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V.I. Konov et all Folie 6 Alexander M. Prokhorov 1939 – – – doctor of physical – mathematical sciences 1954 – head of Oscillations laboratory of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow 1959 – State “Lenin” Award for development of molecular generators and amplifiers 1960 – member of the Academy of Sciences – post graduate student
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V.I. Konov et all Folie 11 Alexander M. Prokhorov 1964 – Nobel Prize winner for fundamental investigations in quantum electronics that led to creation of lasers and masers
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V.I. Konov et all Folie 17 Alexander M. Prokhorov 1968 – 1982 – Vice-director of P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow
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V.I. Konov et all Folie 23 Alexander M. Prokhorov 1982 – 1998 – founder and director of General Physics Institute, Moscow
V.I. Konov et all Folie 24 Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute
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V.I. Konov et all Folie 29 Physics of condensed matter Optics and laser physics Radio-physics, electronics, and acoustics Plasma physics Major Fields of Research A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute
V.I. Konov et all Folie 30 Optics and laser physics Classic and quantum optics Nonlinear optical phenomena, materials and devices Ultrafast phenomena in optics Laser-matter interaction, super-strong laser fields Fiber optics and optical communication. Integrated optics Optical informatics and holography Methods of spectroscopy and luminescence. Precision optical measurements Laser physics and laser materials Lasers in physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, ecology, and industry New optical materials, technology and devices A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute
V.I. Konov et all Folie 31 A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute Institute staff: Research Centers3 Branches2 Research Departments27 Staff members, total1028 Members of Russian Academy of Sci.6 Research staff, including508 Doctors of Sciences122 Ph.Ds281 Chief Researchers19 Leading Researchers53 Senior Researchers175 Researchers120 Junior Researchers30 Postgraduates48 Administrative and technical staff357
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V.I. Konov et all Folie – 2002 – founder and director of Natural Science Center of General Physics Institute, Moscow Alexander M. Prokhorov
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V.I. Konov et all Folie 35 Fields of research 1.Synchrotron radiation 2.Spectroscopy (radio, microwaves, millimeter waves, laser) 3.Masers and frequency standards 4.Laser systems and materials 5.Crystal growth 6.Light – matter interaction 7.Fiber optics 8.Laser medicine 9.Surface physics 10.CVD 11. Nanoscience and nanotechnologies
V.I. Konov et all Folie 36 Single-wall carbon nanotubes: ultrafast nonlinear optical media for light modulation and generation of pico- and femtosecond laser pulses Optical shutters with nanotubes operating in a wide range of wavelengths λ = m and providing a switching time < 1 ps. Laser mode locking: Er 3+ glass, = 1.54 m; YAP:Nd 3+, = 1.34 m; Nd:GdVO 4 = 1.34 m; Nd,Cr : Y 0.9 Gd 0.1 VO 4 = 1.34 m; LiF с F centers, 1.15 m; YAG:Nd 3+, = m; Nd 3+ glass, = m.
V.I. Konov et all Folie 37 Russian Academy of Sciences Russian Academy of Sciences A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute This year we are celebrating the 90-year anniversary of A.M. Prokhorov