Religious Interview LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Explain the purpose of the interview LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Questions LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Questions: Describe at least four ways your interviewee felt "shaped" by his/her religious experiences. LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Questions: Describe your religious traditions. LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Questions: Describe your religious practices. How can this believer trace his/her ethics to his/her religious background/experiences? LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Questions: Describe your special religious times. LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Questions: Describe your education/indoctrination into religious beliefs. Learn about how members were enculturated into their beliefs; that is, what was religious education like…at home/in the center of worship/at summer camps/where else. LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Questions: Describe your sense of "religious community. Examine how a sense of "separate religious community" was established/maintained? What insures that the practitioner feels "like" a Mormon, a Jew, etc.? LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide
Religious Interview Questions: Describe your personal obligations based on religious teachings. What obligations does this person feel because of his/her religious faith? What obligations are taught but this follower does not believe in? Why? LP 3 Religion as a Moral Guide