ECHO, Trinity Farm, and Pinecrest What a team!
Back in 2013, Trinity Farm and Pinecrest started talking about hosting a summer camp together. Luckily, ECHO Foundation was listening, too.
12 kids: 3 inner-city, 9 of priviledge, formed Equestrian Camp (shown with Night Owls)
ECHO sponsored 2 campers: Kayla and Richard
This is Kayla with another camper. They LOVED finger painting!
They learned how to care for their horses. FAST!
The first day, Richard was really nervous and rode a pony. The NEXT DAY, he was on a big horse!
The. Man.
Kayla (far right) delighted in learning to handle her horse and was a great turn-taker.
Kayla made friends with all of the barn critters.
And they loved their counselors and cabin mates! Here they are getting ready for Oscar Night…where they got awards!
And what’s camp without making God’s Eyes?!?!
Or getting a little muddy ?