Digging Deeper & Reaching Higher through PARTNERSHIP (Reading: 1 Samuel 20:1-17)
“One can put a thousand to flight, and two can put ten thousand to flight.” (Deuteronomy 32:30)
“Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.” (Psalm 133:1)
If we are to dig deeper and reach higher for God we need to move from Isolation to Cooperation
This morning we are going to look at the partnership commitment between David and Jonathan seen in 1 Samuel Chapters 18 – 20.
This is a vivid portrait of two men who chose to partner together for the future success of God’s people.
What makes the story profound is that Jonathan chose to promote David to be the next king of Israel, even though Jonathan was the rightful heir.
It is the story of sacrifice and partnership for the good of the Kingdom, not for the benefit of one person.
What qualities did Jonathan and David possess that created such a powerful partnership?
Let us look at 1 Samuel 20 and identify some of the ingredients that create an effective partnership:
1.They were AVAILABLE (1 Sam 20:1-4)
Although Jonathan couldn’t believe David was in such danger from his father, he pledged to him that he was at his disposal.
We need to look beyond our isolated view and cooperate by seeing the full picture!
Not what can the church do for me but what can I do for the church?
Jonathan would do whatever David asked him to do (“Here I am wholly available”)
Are we completely available?
2. They were DEPENDABLE (1 Sam 20:12-17)
When they parted ways Jonathan initiated a ‘vow’ that he and David would make to one another.
It stated that they would be committed to each other regardless of the cost.
Is the cost too great, it wasn’t for Jesus!
Are we dependable in our partnership with God and each other?
3. They were VULNERABLE (1 Sam 20:18-33)
When David failed to join King Saul for dinner, the king became angry. Jonathan was vulnerable, risking his very life to protect David that night.
How vulnerable am I willing to become for God and His church?
Am I prepared to stand in the gap, even if it meant that I would have to move out of my comfort zone?
4. They were RESPONSIBLE (1 Sam 20:34-42)
In the end, David had to leave the palace for a season. These two friends wept at the separation, yet they did what was right.
Even when it required a painful decision, they acted responsibly toward each other.
Do we take our responsibility to God and His church seriously?
CONCLUSION It is time for Commitment!