Religion & Morality Acts Chapter 10 Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- Nadab & Abihu – Leviticus 10:1,2 Nothing Immoral About Kindling.


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Presentation transcript:

Religion & Morality Acts Chapter 10

Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- Nadab & Abihu – Leviticus 10:1,2 Nothing Immoral About Kindling a Fire Leviticus 16:12 Offered to God Something Morally Right, Religiously Wrong

Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- Moses & the Rock- Numbers 20:1- 13 Nothing Immoral About Striking a rock – Exodus 17:6 Numbers 20:8 Something Morally Right, Religiously Wrong

Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- David & the New Oxcart- 2 Samuel 6:1-11 Nothing Immoral About a New Oxcart – Numbers 7:1-9 Deuteronomy 10:8; 1 Chronicles 15:2 Something Morally Right, Religiously Wrong

Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- Hamburgers & Cokes, Morally Right, Religiously Wrong- Romans 14:1-23; 1 Corinthians 6:12,13 1 Corinthians 11:23-27; Luke 22: Religiously Wrong to use Hamburgers & Cokes on the Lord’s table – WHY?

Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- X-mas Morally Right but Religiously Wrong- Luke 5:29; Acts 20:35 1 Timothy 3:16; Matthew 2:1ff Acts 20:7 Religiously Wrong to Set Aside a Day & Make it a Religious Obligation Attached to Myths- WHY?

Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- Instrumental Music – Morally Right, Religiously Wrong- 1 Samuel 16:23 Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16 1 Corinthians 14:15; Hebrews 2:12 Religiously Wrong to add Instrumental Music to the Worship of God- WHY?

Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- Christians Eating Together is Morally Right, But Doing so as a Function of the Local Church is Religiously Wrong- Acts 2:46; 1 Corinthians 11:20-22,34 Acts 2:44; 4:35 Religiously Wrong for the church to organize & promote eating of Common Meals- WHY?

Morally Right, But Religiously Wrong A Bible Principle- Youth Parties, Dominoes & Golf Morally Right, Religiously Wrong- Mark 6:31 Ephesians 6:1-4 1 Timothy 3:15 Religiously Wrong for the church to organize & promote Recreation for the members of the church - WH Y?

We Must Learn: There is a Biblical Principle Distinguishing between things Moral and things Religious Christians Must be Careful to observe the Difference Ezekiel 22:26 “have not distinguished between the holy and unholy” ASV “no distinction between the holy and the common” We Need to be Able to Make This Distinction to be Pleasing to God