Chapter 6:1-29: Rejection. Jesus at Nazareth Preparation of Apostles John in Death
Chapter 6:30-56: Jesus’ Power. Abundant blessings Trust in Him Feeding of 5,000 Walking on the sea
Chapter 6 Return & rest People follow Him Miraculous feeding –L–Lesson for disciples –G–Greatness, Mt. 14:21; Lk. 9:10-17; Jn. 6:14 Feeding of the 5,000, 30-44
Chapter 6 Why seek Christ? –M–Miracle worker? –H–Healer, Mk. 6:53-56? –P–Physical food, Jn. 6:24-27? –S–Social? –S–Spiritual? Feeding of the 5,000, 30-44
Chapter 6 Some still view kingdom as physical –N–Nature: Millennial, Jn. 18:36 –W–Work: Social Gospel Food Rest, Mk. 6:31 Funeral, Jn. 11:44 Feeding of the 5,000, 30-44
Chapter 6 Some still view kingdom as physical –W–Worship Instrumental music Plays Jokes “Feel Good” sermons Feeding of the 5,000, 30-44
Chapter 6 What to expect from Christ –C–Compassion, Mk. 6:34; Lk. 15:20 –S–Super-abundant blessings, Mk. 6:42-43 Lk. 15:14-17; Jn. 10:10; Eph. 3: Tim. 1:14; 1 Pet. 1:3; 2 Pet. 1:11 Feeding of the 5,000, 30-44
Chapter 6 Disciples set sail Jesus prayed Jesus walked on the sea –F–Fear –H–Hardness of heart Walking On The Sea, 45-52
Chapter 6 Storms of life, Mt. 7:24-27 –B–Before: cannot always see –D–During: test of faith, Mt. 14:28-31 –A–After: confirm faith, Heb. 12:3-11 Walking On The Sea, 45-52
Chapter 6 The Lord’s power, Phil. 4:13 –S–Sees our struggles, 6:48; Jn. 6:17 –W–Will not abandon, Heb. 13:5-6 –A–Ability to see us through, Rom. 8:31-39 Walking On The Sea, 45-52
Chapter 6 Do not harden your heart, Heb. 3:7-19 –T–Trial in wilderness –L–Learn to trust & obey God –D–Deceitfulness of sin Walking On The Sea, 45-52
Chapter 6:30-56: Jesus’ Power. Abundant blessings Trust in Him Feeding of 5,000 Walking on the sea Rejected