TWELVE COMMON MEN Matthew and Thomas The Transformed Apostles.


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Presentation transcript:

TWELVE COMMON MEN Matthew and Thomas The Transformed Apostles

T HE SECOND CIRCLE Philip Nathanael Thomas Matthew

INTRODUCTION The Apostles were from among the common people. Ps. 8:2; Isa. 26:5-6; Zep. 3:12; Eze. 21:26 Jesus had no use for religious elitism. No one came under more fire from Him than the Pharisees, scribes and Sadducees. -Miracles appeared to have no spiritual effect on them. -They saw Him as an interloper and intruder. -They sought His death from the outset (Lk. 4:28-29). -They could not tolerate being called sinners. Jesus chose Apostles who were willing to admit their sins and set about to change. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

MATTHEW - THE TAX COLLECTOR What we know about Matthew from the scriptures: Matthew the apostle and evangelist is mentioned in Mt 10:3; Mk 3:18; Lu 6:15; Ac 1:13. The name is a Greek reproduction of the Aramaic Mattathyah, i.e. "gift of Yahweh." Before his call to the apostolic office, according to Mt 9:9, his name was Levi. Did Jesus nickname him of Matthew? We don’t know. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

MATTHEW - THE TAX COLLECTOR What we know about Matthew from the scriptures: He was a customs officer (Mt. 10:3) in Capernaum, in the territory of Herod Antipas. In addition to the native Aramaic must have been acquainted with the Greek. He must have belonged to that group of publicans and sinners, who looked longingly to Jesus (Mt.11:19; Lk.7:34; 15:1) Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

MATTHEW - THE TAX COLLECTOR What we know about Matthew from the scriptures: Time of his call uncertain. He was not a follower of John the Baptist. Tradition states that he preached for 15 years in Palestine and then he went to foreign nations. Some scholars attribute stories of his martyrdom to Catholic and Orthodox legend, not facts. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

MATTHEW - THE TAX COLLECTOR The author of the Gospel of Matthew -Mk. 2:14; Lk. 5:27-29; Lk. 6:15; Acts 1:13. Tax collectors were often dishonest; using strong-arm tactics to extort tolls from the Jews. Most were scoundrels according to extra- biblical accounts. His Call – Mt. 9:9-12 Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

MATTHEW - THE TAX COLLECTOR The Three Tax Collectors of the NT Zaccheus: Lk. 19:2-10 The publican of the parable: Lk. 18: Matthew Jesus’ appeal to the tax collectors -Lk. 15:1; 7:29; Mt. 21:31,32 Of the two types of tax collectors, Matthew was of the type most hated. A Little Mokhes. His job literally made him worse than a Gentile in the eyes of the Jews. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

MATTHEW - THE TAX COLLECTOR Why would Matthew answer the call so suddenly? -He was obviously spiritually hungry. -His Gospel makes it clear that he was a true student of the OT. -He believed in the one true God. He understood the promise of the Messiah. Somehow he had heard about Jesus and his gladness is shown in his unhesitant urge to follow and take Jesus to eat at his house. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

MATTHEW - THE TAX COLLECTOR The thread that runs through his Gospel after his call in chapter 9 is forgiveness. Matthew knew he was a sinner; guilty of graft, extortion, oppression and abuse. He obviously sensed that in answering the call to Apostleship that forgiveness of these sins would become available. He walked away from a lucrative career and followed Jesus to the end without giving it a second thought. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE TWIN What we know about Thomas: Also called "Didymus" or "the Twin" (compare Jn. 11:16; 20:24; 21:2) In Jn. 11:1-54, Thomas protested, "Let us also go; that we may died with him" (Jn. 11:16). On the eve of the Passion, "Lord, we know now whither thou goest; how know we the way?" (Jn. 14:5). Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE TWIN What we know about Thomas: After the crucifixion, he was not present when the risen Christ first appeared to them (compare Jn. 20:24). -"except I shall see.... I will not believe" (Jn. 20:25)--had him among their number 8 days afterward (Jn. 20:26) in the upper room. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE TWIN What we know about Thomas: He made the confession, "My Lord and my God" (Jn. 20:28), and was reproved by Jesus for his previous unbelief: "Because thou hast seen me thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed" (Jn. 20:29). Jesus manifested Himself at the Sea of Tiberias (Jn. 21:1-11). Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE TWIN Character of Thomas He is typical of that nature which contains within it certain conflicting elements exceedingly difficult of reconciliation. He could be called The Pessimistic Hero A perplexed faith in the teaching of Jesus was mingled a sincere love for Jesus the teacher. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE TWIN Character of Thomas Thomas desired to test all truth by the evidence of his senses. It was his sincerity which made him to stand apart till he had attained to personal conviction regarding the resurrection. His sincerity also drew from him the testimony to that conviction, "My Lord and my God," the greatest and fullest in all Christianity. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE PESSIMIST Perhaps pessimism (more than doubt) was his problem. Jn. 11:16 – “Thomas therefore, who is called Didymus, said unto his fellow-disciples, Let us also go, that we may die with him.” He was willing to follow Jesus to Bethany; to death if necessary. This is heroic pessimism. Thomas was loyal; His courage was real. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE PESSIMIST His Devotion to Christ The Apostles followed Thomas’ lead. His pessimism could not dampen his devotion to Christ. -Following Jesus would not be easy. -He would rather die than be separated from Christ. -John 14:1-5 -Thomas could not handle Jesus’ death Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE PESSIMIST How He Handled the Death of Jesus Jn. 20:19-24 – Thomas was not present when Jesus first appears to the Apostles. Where was he? Why wasn’t he there? Jn. 20:25 – The testimony of the other disciples. This was not enough for Thomas. But the other disciples had not believed in the resurrection either. (Mk.16:10-11) Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

THOMAS – THE PESSIMIST His Confession of Christ (Jn. 20:28) It is in this very instant that we see Thomas transformed. Secular history says that he evangelized as far as India, where he too died a martyr’s death. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

CLOSING THOUGHTS God chose a publican and a pessimist to be two of His greatest emissaries of the New Covenant. Matthew – a sinner of the worst sort; an outcast. Thomas – tenderhearted, moody, melancholy. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

CLOSING THOUGHTS Who can God use for His purposes? Anyone! Personality, status, family background, etc mean nothing to Him. God does demand a willingness to acknowledge our sinfulness and look to Christ for grace and mercy. God will do this for all that truly trust Him. Matthew and Thomas – The Transformed Apostles

TWELVE COMMON MEN Matthew and Thomas The Transformed Apostles