Traditional Training Methods


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Presentation transcript:

Traditional Training Methods Chapter 7 Traditional Training Methods

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Three Traditional Techniques: 1. Presentation Techniques 2. Hands-On Techniques 3. Group Building Techniques

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Presentation Techniques: Those means of training delivery in which trainees are the passive recipients of information, such as facts or information about processes or problem solving methods. Includes Lecture & Audio-Visual Instruction

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: Those that require the trainee to be actively involved in the learning process.

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: On the Job Training - - When new/inexperienced employees learn by watching and working with experienced emps. Requires less time and money Utilizes expertise among peers Can be effective for cross-training Social learning theory!!

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: Self-Directed Learning - - Training is the responsibility of the trainee. Training is predetermined, but trainee learns at own pace, in own way. Flexible learning Requires fewer training staff Constant access to materials Multi-site training is more realistic

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: Apprenticeship - - A work-study arrangement that combines on-the- job training with classroom study sponsored by the company or union. Must have 144 hours of class time and 2000 hours of OJT.

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: Simulation - - Replication of real-life situations off site in a safe, risk-free environment. Trainee learns and can make mistakes before being engaged in actual production. Allows for observation & evaluation.

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: Case Study - - Trainees analyze and critique a scenario that describes a company’s situation. Develops higher-order intellectual skills needed by managers & professionals Develops “risk taking’ skills Require trainee participation

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: Business Games - - Trainee actively gathers info, analyze info, and make decisions to develop managerial skills. Very participative method Mirrors actual managerial tasks.

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: Role Plays - - Trainees act out characters and situations based on information that they have been provided. Diff in simulation: info is limited, focuses on “soft skills” not technical skills, reqs mental and emotional interaction not procedural responses.

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Hands-On Techniques: Behavior Modeling - - Trainees are presented a model demonstrating key behaviors for trainee to replicate via practice. Key behavior - a set of behaviors needed to complete a task, usually general behaviors that are useful across situations.

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Group Building Techniques: Those methods designed to improve work team or group effectiveness. They involve: sharing ideas and experiences building group identity understanding interpersonal dynamics getting to know the strengths / weaknesses of themselves and their teammates.

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Group Building Techniques: Adventure Learning - - Develops teamwork, leadership skills, self- awareness, problem solving and conflict mgt. through structured outdoor activities. Takes place outside of business rules Strong emotional experience (change) Invigorating, self-esteem builders

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Group Building Techniques: Team Training - - Coordinating the performance of employees who work interdependently to achieve common goals. Strategies to meet Training objectives: Cross training Coordination training Team leader training

Traditional Techniques Chapter 7 Traditional Techniques Group Building Techniques: Action Learning - - A group of employees are given an actual problem to solve using an action plan that they are held accountable to carry out. Not common in US, but seems to be effective because of realness.