When did Catherine Booth died Catherine Booth died in October 4 th in 1890 a few years before William Booth. William booth will be very, very sad because his wife died.
When did William Booth died. William Booth died on August 20 th in 1912.
Who founded the Salvation Army William booth and his with Catherine booth started the Salvation Army in 1965.
Who founded the Salvation Army The first name of the Salvation Army first name was Sally Army. Here is the telephone number the HQ;
How did it get started? The Salvation Army got started because they saw the poor people and children were sleeping on the streets. William booth decided to make a shelters for men, women and children because they were living on the streets. And they didn’t get any food and water.
The Salvation Army Project The Salvation Army project is the Water Shed. Why did the Salvation Army choose the Water Shed, because poor countries are not getting the same water as the other countries. Billons of people have acces to clean water. And 783 MILLON people still don’t have clean water.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Salvation Army Project 2 The Salvation Army has an other project and it is Two by Two. Why did the Salvation Army picked the project. It was to keep families alive. The Salvation Army helps poor countries. This help them to get food and water. After they got food they have to give £2 back they give it by time by time.
The Salvation Army Words are. FAITH !!! HOPE !!! LOVE !!! Faith is a person is going to rescue the poor people. Hope is something is good going to happened. Love is loving a person are caring for poor countries.
Care for the Poor. Care for the poor countries and every countries no matter what they looked like. Love them as you love other people and treat everyone fairly with respect.