The Columbia River Basin Where we’ve been. Where we’re going. October 18, 2005.


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Presentation transcript:

The Columbia River Basin Where we’ve been. Where we’re going. October 18, 2005

Basin Facts 260,000 mi 2 – Canada has: 15% area 25% of runoff volume 78,510,000 acre-ft yearly average flow 2650 ft elevation change Hundreds of Dams 1961 Cooperative Development Treaty with Canada

Dam… 250 Reservoirs 150 Hydroelectric Projects 13 Mainstream Dams – 5 on the Snake By mid-’70’s completely engineered – “Slack Water” – 1 mph stream flow

The Problem Historically Million Salmon and Steelhead returned annually to spawn By 1960 – 5 Million annually Late 1990’s - 1 Million annually (most from hatcheries)

The Problem (II) 12 stocks of salmon and steelhead are threatened or endangered. Basin rivers listed as “water quality limited.” Tribal Nations rights are being limited or ignored. – 2% or fish harvest River freight traffic key to basin economy. Large number of stakeholders and interest groups

…Double Dam 8 mainstream dams cause: – Increased dissolved nitrogen – Increased temperatures – Migration obstacles – Slack water Resulting in high fish mortality – Up to 93% for Chinook

Different Groups, Common Goals US Army Corps of Engineers Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Study: Concluded that dam breaching would be the best for restoration. Goal: Improve migration conditions for fish in the Lower Snake River. US Fish and Wildlife Service Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project: “Scientific and ecosystems based” management strategy. Goal: Protect high quality habitat while restoring poorer habitat

Different Groups, Common Goals (II) The Federal Caucus Formed to formulate a system wide recovery plan. Goal: Conserve species and ecosystems, assure tribal fishing rights, balance the needs of other species, minimize adverse impacts on humans. Northwest Power Planning Council Multi-Species Framework Project: 7 alternatives for restoration focusing on ecology and economy. Goal: Restore the ecosystem beyond what is required by the ESA.

What is going on now? Studies, studies, and more studies. Flow augmentation Fish ladders on all 8 Corps dams – 1938 for Bonneville Dam Various means of juvenile fish passage – Spillway or bypass – Juvenile fish transportation program

Issues still at hand. Dealing with the rights of Tribal Nations and First Peoples Extent of ecosystem restoration Dealing with economic impacts

Questions! How do Tribal Nations (First Peoples) affect any US-Canada treaty in the basin? How broad will the affect of the breach of treaties with Tribal Nations (First Peoples), and/or the method in which the US and Canada address their concerns be on development of other trans-boundary treaties or agreements? If mismanaged, will the US or Canada be looked at negatively when attempting to help other nations water development?