Stephanie Kwolek’s invention: Kevlar By: Triple O (O.O.O) Stephanie, Jonathan, Lauren and Ezekiel
The Inventor ~Stephanie Louise Kwolek ~Polish-American chemist ~Born on July 31,1923. ~Grew up in New Kensington, Pennsylvania. ~Her father, John taught her to see and remember. ~Liked to collect leaves and seeds, as well as the skins the snakes shed each spring.
How she did it.. ~ In 1964, because of a gasoline shortage, Stephanie and her group began searching for a lightweight yet strong fiber to be used in tires. ~ The polymers (poly-p-Phenylene-terephthalate and polybenzamide) formed liquid crystal while in solution. ~ The solution, which was usually thrown away, was fluid and cloudy, rather than clear and viscous. ~ She decided to observe it under the microscope, and observed that the fibers looked like strands of spaghetti lined up one after the other. ~ She persuaded the man in charge of the spinneret to spin the solution into thread. Kevlar
The many uses of Kevlar ~Bullet-resistant helmets and body armour ~Suspension cables for bridges ~Break pads for cars ~Hiking and camping gear ~Outer shells for spacecrafts And 150 or more uses!
Why we like the invention and its benefits We like the invention because it is very useful and has saved many lives. Here are some of its benefits: ~When police officers etc. wear this bullet-resistant vests made of Kevlar, they will be partially protected from bullets, thus ensuring the safety of the police officers. ~If high-standing officials or VIPs wear it, they will also be partially protected from bullets.
Good values/attitudes Stephanie displayed ~Perseverance ~Determination ~Patience ~Observance ~Diligence
Why we find the invention interesting… We find it interesting because… ~It is strong enough to pull a train ~It is five times stronger than steel ~It is bullet-resistant
Watch This Video!!! vI This is all You need to know about Kevlar and its inventor! ENJOY!
Quiz Time! Good Luck! The Small Print: Prizes Will Be Given!
Question 1 – For Boys Name one thing Kevlar is used in?
Question 2 – For Girls When was the inventor born?
Question 3 – For Everyone Where did Stephanie Kwolek grow up in? (Give the full answer)
THE END Thank you for listening!
Credits ~Wikipedia ~Google Images ~And all other sites on Stephanie Kwolek