Say You Want a Revolution. Lexington and Concord 4/19/1775 Location very important Extremely isolated, one way in and out British come in strong, army.


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Presentation transcript:

Say You Want a Revolution

Lexington and Concord 4/19/1775 Location very important Extremely isolated, one way in and out British come in strong, army too big After initial hit, Americans able to gather selves and fight

Second Continental Congress May 1775 Important decisions to be made Anxiety felt regarding direction to take Intentions? Olive Branch extended, seeking some sort of peace Also, putting together Continental Army Mixed messages rejected

British Strengths Large, skilled army – Sworn allegiance to king for life Hessians Loyalists – Two camps: fear of inexperienced radicals, just loyal to the crown Native American support – Less of two evils British Royal Navy

British Weaknesses Unpopular in England, little support from citizens Not on own territory Still engaged with French elsewhere Loss of support with American loyalists

American Strengths Strong leaders – Washington elected Commander in Chief June 1775 – Franklin liaison to France, kept positive relations going Familiar with terrain Skilled in guerrilla style fighting Believed in the cause

American Weaknesses Lack of organization No centralized government Colonies struggle with support and respect Money!

Treaty of Paris British success early on Battle of Saratoga, 1777, turning point for Americans British exhausted financially and militarily Treaty of Paris 1783