Characteristics and Styles of Leadership Sister Jane Meyer, OP St. Agnes Academy Houston, TX
Prudent Passion Flexibility & Empathy Integrity Courage Inspires Regard for others Consensus Builder Supports Empowers Takes Risks Good Sense Engenders Camaraderie Service Oriented & Considerate Faith Leader Humility Listens Hire Talented People Honest Mission Centered Respect Patient Justice Promoter Compassionate Team Player Role Model Mediator Hard Worker Community Builder Vision Negotiator Acknowledge Mistakes Healer Authentic Confident Innovator Motivator Energetic & Cheerleader Collaborator Communication Skills Cultivator
Integrity Vision Communi- cation Skills Energetic Flexibility Courage Motivator Inspires School culture Supports Empowers Good Sense Takes Risks Collabo- rator Confident Authentic Service Oriented Prudent Listens Consensus Builder Humility Engenders Camara- derie Acknowl- edge Mistakes Passion Mission Centered Respect Patient Team Player Honest Consider- ate Justice Promoter Faith Leader Mediator Hard Worker Cultivator Cheer- leader Empa- thizes Compas- sionate Innovator Healer Negotiator Role Model Hire Talented People Community Builder Regard for Others Humor Prophetic Intelligent
Leadership... Not for the Fainthearted
TASKS Inspire culture/community Share a vision Hire good people Empower others Communicate well Team spirit Genuine regard for others
SCHOOL CULTURE What do you see as the leader’s role in the development of school culture? Can you name the culture of your school? Can you compare and contrast to the ideal? How to you change it?
ABILITY TO HIRE... The right people who share the vision and culture of the school
The Right People on the Bus...
HIRING... What can we do to minimize our risks in the hiring process? How do we support those we have hired?
Team Vision Trust Courage Prudence A Winning Approach...
How do you empower others: teachers, parents, students to participate in collaborative decision-making? A Winning Approach...
Team Approach Model... Share Decisions and Responsibilities Meet Regularly Decisions based on Integrity
THE HARD DECISIONS When you have the hard decisions to make, the ones that can alienate members of your community, what process do you use?
Communication Skills Keeping people informed Listening
COMMUNICATION... How do you keep your constituencies informed? How do you handle those difficult s? How do you overcome the challenges of those who disagree with you especially on social justice issues?
Good Leaders... Deal with Adversity Unbiased Colleague Principle of Subsidiarity Directives vs. Directions Atmosphere of Inclusivity Foster Teamwork Respect and Compassion Create win-win situations
GENUINE REGARD FOR OTHERS What are ways that you can show you appreciate faculty/staff and you can thank them – expecially those that go above and beyond on a project?
Spirituality and Faith Formation... Inner Journey Understand Catholic Tradition and Stay Current Lead others in prayer Share God’s works
What would Jesus do?
“ If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams