Cooperation experience of Central Institute for Continuing Education&Training and Concern “Rosenergoatom” in training managers and specialists for nuclear power industry V.Artisyuk, S.Aksinenko,L.Andreeva-Andrievskaya, Technical Meeting/Workshop on Topical Issues on Infrastructure Development: Managing the Development of a National Infrastructure for Nuclear Power 9-12 February, 2010 IAEA, Vienna, Austria
Experience in supporting the national infrastructure and capacity building Sketch on nuclear E&T infrastructure in Russia Proposals for countries embarking on nuclear power programmes Contents
1 Sketch on E&T infrastructure in Russia
Nuclear Power in Russia 1/3 10 NPP (31 units) = MW (el) 16% of electricity production.
Under preliminary survey : Severskaya NPP (Tomsk, Siberia) Tverskaya NPP (Central Russia) Baltic NPP (Kaliningrad region) On the site of Novovoronezh NPP-2 Rostov NPP, unit # 2, VVER-1000, (started – end of 2009) Kalinin, unit#4, VVER-1000, (start– 2011 г.) Beloyarsk unit#4, BN-800, (start– 2012 г.) Novoronezh-2 NPP, unit#1, АES-2006, (start– 2012 г.) Leningrad NPP- 2, unit#1, АES-2006, (start – 2013 г.) Nuclear Power in Russia 2/3 (currently under construction)
Deployment of Russian Nuclear Technology Kazakhstan India Iran Belarus Realized projectsProjects under discussion 52 reactor units were constructed outside Russia by Russian design 37 reactors are in operation in 9 countries China Nuclear Power in Russia 3/3 ( Experience of Export)
7 Structure of E&T Ministry of EducationSC “ROSATOM” Education Training Dipl Engineer Dipl Specialist Bachelor Master Aspirantura (Dr course) UNVERSITIES On the Job Training Qualification Upgrade Building new competences Training Centers on Site Institutes for E&T
2-3 yrs engineerNPP 5-5,5 yrs bachelor NPP 4 yrs3 - ? yrs bachelorNPP master 4 yrs 2 yrs ? Currently Starting since 2014 Bologna Process in Russia: Need to develop new educational standards based on professional standards Education 1/2 Specifics of professional education of NPP personnel (university +….) EducationOn-the-job-training
National Nuclear Research University MEPhI Tomsk Polytechnical University (TPU) Moscow Power Institute (MEI) Mendeleev Institute Bauman Technical University Ural Polytechnic University Education 2/2 Consortium of Universities involved in nuclear education Obninsk State Technical University for Nuclear Power Engineering Moscow Engineering Physics Institute Snezhinsk State Academy of Physics and Technology Ozersk Institute of Technology Lesnoy Institute of Technology Trekhgornyi Institute of Technology Seversk State Academy of Technology Sarov State Institute of Physics and Technology Ulyanovsk State University
10 Training 1/4 ( training on sites) ROSENERGOATOM CONCERN OJSC Balakovo NPP Beloyarsk NPP Bilibino NPP Volgodonsk NPP Kalinin NPP Kola NPP Kursk NPP Leningrad NPP Novovoronezh NPP Smolensk NPP Training Center Department of NPP operating personnel training Department of NPP maintenance personnel training Department of general training Department of software development Department of training support Administrative department
11 Annual training of the NPP personnel: Operating personnel – 80 hours (36 hours of practical experience with the use of full scale and analytical simulators) Other categories of NPP personnel – 20 hours Training 2/4 ( training on sites)
12 Training 3/4 ( qualification upgrade ) Qualification upgrade for NPP managers and specialists is provided once in 5 yrs in Institutes for continuing education and training Faculties of advanced training (associated with Universities) Training centers of JSC «Atomtechenergo»
13 «Atomtechenergo» Training 3/4 ( qualification upgrade ) Training and qualification upgrade of managers, operating personnel, maintenance personnel, instructors Development and upgrading the training systems for NPP personnell Development and implementation of instructional technologies Novo-Voronezh Training Center Smolensk Training Center Functions: VVER RBMK
14 Central Institute for Continuing Education & Training (Obninsk) Branch in Moscow Brach in Ekanirenburg Branches on NPP sites Филиал в г.Москва Branch in St.Petersburg Traning Courses Conference management Fuel cycle Safety Qualification upgrade for top managers Training 4/4 ( qualification upgrade )
15 2 Experience in supporting the national infrastructure and capacity building
Number of trained specialists Experience of “ATOMTECHENERGO” Training Center – Novovoronezh Russia and CIS countries Bulgaria E-Germany CZ India China Iran Finland Cuba Hungary
17 Experience of Central Institute for Continuing Education&Training – CICET (Obninsk) 1/3 Training of top-managers 1999 – 2000 TACIS project: CICET, EDF (France), TECNATOM (Spain) Systematic approach in developing training courses for top-managers of nuclear power industry 2010-Decree#754 State Corporation “Rosatom” shall issue certificates to top managers of State Corporation “Rosatom” organizations operating facilities of special radiation and nuclear hazard.The CICET … should develop, concur with stakeholders and submit for approval to the Chairmen of the commissions of State Corporation “Rosatom” on issuance of certificates the education programs for training employees 40 top managers to be trained 10 top managers were trained
Top managers (DG, DDG) Heads of laboratories Heads of departments Specilaists Totally: Training of top-managers&specialists
Regulatory Body Staff training SAT & Instructor Skill Training Experience of Central Institute for Continuing Education&Training – CICET (Obninsk) 2/3 SAT Instructor skills Totally 682 instructors Training of instructors for On-Site-Training-Centers Training of instructors for Material Protection, Control, and Accounting (MPC&A) Program (in cooperation with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - USA) since 2009
20 Experience of Central Institute for Continuing Education&Training – CICET (Obninsk) 3/3 12 March 2009 (Minsk, Belarus) Agreement for Cooperation betweein CICET and Belarus State University October 2009 (Obninsk, Russia) Подготовку по курсу «Nuclear Safety» 10teaching staffs From Belarus иJune 2009 (Obninsk, Russia) Course “Nuclear reactor Operation & Control” for 4 Professors from Belarus
21 3 Proposals for countries embarking on nuclear power programmes
Platform for Proposals 22
Phase-1 23 The government should also consider the possibilities and means for personnel development through education and training programmes, optimum institutional arrangements for nuclear safety research, and means for stakeholder involvement.
Phase-2 24 Phase 2 The development of the work processes, human resources and competences of the independent regulatory body is a high priority task in phase 2 and should continue also through phase 3.
Consortium of Russian Organizations to support natioanal capacity building 25 Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Atomtechenergo OJSC Central Institute for Continuing education&Training Theoretical courses for reactor operators Training of NPP managers Training of staff for regulatory bodies Training courses oriented to NPP equipment Training with the use of simulators Training on full scale simulators of reference NPP On-the-job training Training of university teaching staff
Training of top managers, regulatory body&university teaching staff
27 Site Selection Qualifications Nuclear Fuel Controll&Design Safety&Security Training of top manager, regulatory body & university teaching staff Nuclear reactor Operation & Control … (depending upon requests from the countries recipients of Russian nuclear power technology) Providing specialized courses in accordance with license for qualification upgrade : 2- 4 weeks (72 hours -150 hours) Working Language – English
Training of NPP personnel
29 adjustment Design of on-site training center Construction of on-site-training center Completing the development of E&T programmes Reactor startup License for NPP construction Start 1 yr2 yr3 yr 4 yr 5 yr Completing Preparation for adjustment and start up Start of Full Scale Simulator License for NPP operation Task order for Full Scale Simulator Start for construction of Full Scale Simulator General Traiing (Russian language) Theoretical courses Practical experience On-job-training (NPP) Certification Training of NPP Personnel (including on-the-job-training in the reference Russian NPP) Educational program corresponds to the licensed requalification program (equivalent to higher technical university education) > 100 hr
30 Training follows the project management philosophy Strict time limitation Project focuses simultaneously on the development of on- site-training center Project is largely based on Human Resources Governance Specifics of NPP Personnel Training (for NPP under construction)
31 The courses development is based on Energoatom Concern regulations IAEA recommendations for HR management National regulations Maximum duration – programme for training the head of unit– 20 months (17 months.- general training and training in the reference NPP, 3 month. – training on-the-site in the NPP under construction). Experience of Training Programmes Development (for NPP under construction)
32 Theoretical courses (CICET, ATOMTECHENERGO) Training in the reference NPP In Russia (Rosenergoatom Concern, ATOMTECHENERGO) Training on site (NPP under construction) Three stages of NPP personnel training (organizational structure)
33 Thank You for Your attention!