JINR Education Programme in 2006 and the University Centre D. Fursaev 101st Session of the Scientific Council January 18, 2006
The UC’s activities in 2006 International activities Undergraduate and graduate programmes Student laboratories PhD studies at JINR Pre-university programmes Information support Professional education
International activities International Summer Student Practice 2006 Acquaintance visits to JINR by students and school students International schools and seminars The UC’s aim is to attract the youth from the JINR Member States to the Institute
Summer Practice ’ 06 the Czech Republic (Technical University in Prague) - 14 Poland (Universities of Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, - 20 Lublin, Poznan, Szczecin, and Wroclaw) Romania (Universities of Bucharest, Craiova, - 9 Cluj-Napoca, Iasi, and Timisoara) Slovakia (Universities of Bratislava and Kosice) - 8 Record number of participants (51), including students from:
Practice organization Morning: - Presentations of the JINR Laboratories (a new feature) - Lectures on specific subjects Afternoon: - Individual work at the Laboratories - Excursions to the Laboratories Culture programme
Practical work at the JINR Laboratories FLNR - 6 exercises FLNP - 10 exercises VBLHE - 4 exercises DLNP - 2 exercises LRB - 4 exercises (a new laboratory of the Practice)
The exercises especially highly appreciated by the students FLNP: Neutron activation analysis (M.V. Frontasyeva) FLNP: Nuclear physics (A. Kobzev, Yu.M. Gledenov, N. Rebrova, K. Zhdanova) FLNP: Neutron diffraction studies of the structure and magnetic propreties of solids (M. Kraus) FLNR: all the exercises and supervisors (A.G. Artyukh, G. Kaminski, S.V. Mitrofanov, O.L. Orelovich, V.F. Reutov, R. Wolski, V. Zhemenik) DLNP: Fabrication of a germanium detector (J. Yurkowski and D. Borowicz) DLNP: Molecular biology (I.D. Aleksandrov, M.V. Aleksandrova, M.Mumot) LRB: Heavy ion beams in microbiological research (M. Deperas-Kaminska)
Information policy The UC’s new Internet site Full and user-friendly presentation of information on the possibilities of a scientific career at JINR The site meets modern requirements Presented are new opportunities for the UC’s students and postgraduates Attraction of – Students from JINR Member States – School pupils – New partners
Admittance to JINR Undergraduate students JINR, University Centre Universities based in Dubna Postgraduate (JINR PhD programme) Graduate students Elite Moscow Universities and Institutes Universities of Russia and other JINR Member States
Student education at JINR about 600 students attended the courses or worked at the JINR Laboratories in 2006 (short- term and long-term practices, preparation of diploma theses) including 60 graduate students from elite Moscow universities 400 undergraduate and graduate students from Dubna (Dubna International University and Dubna branch of MIREEA) 120 graduate students from universities of JINR Member States (Armenia, Belarus, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan)
Lecture courses supported by the UC Spring 2006 Telecommunications and world information resources V.V. Korenkov Statistical physicsG.G. Adamian Mathematical statisticsV.V. Kurbatov Selected topics of the elementary particle physics (seminar) Ye.A. Strokovsky Computer modelling of physics processes in detectors using the GEANTt4 software package A.S. Zhemchugov M.A. Demichev C++V.G. Olshevsky Database management systems (lectures)V.V. Korenkov Database management systems (practice)I.A. Filozova Introduction to the object-oriented analysis of data using the ROOT software package T.M. Solovyova Introduction to the theory of acceleratorsG.V. Trubnikov Elementary particle physics methodologyYe.A. Strokovsky C++V.G. Olshevsky Autumn 2006
A new structure within the UC: the student laboratories The UC’s functions at the student laboratories: -Support of the whole laboratory infrastructure -Working out the strategy -Coordination of students of the JINR-based Departments working at the laboratories -Bringing together the efforts to create the student laboratory installations more laboratory exercises have to be created at JINR’s basic facilities general physics laboratories are needed for undergraduates special laboratories are needed for graduates
The results of 2006 Laboratories of the general physics practicum were founded - 14 optic physics installations; - 7 atomic physics installations; - Gamma and alpha spectrometers for the nuclear physics Laboratory - 10 molecular physics installations (were provided in ) The fifth-floor rooms at Building 113 were vacated; two laboratory rooms were repaired
The UC financing breakdown in 2006 25%: JINR (repairs of rooms) 25%: Dubna University (standard laboratory equipment and furniture; payment to the laboratory assistants is not included) 50%: financed by sponsors (acquisition of expensive equipment)
JINR postgraduate studies The function of the UC is to support the functioning of JINR postgraduate studies In 2006, the UC prepared the documents for the prolongation of the JINR license to offer postgraduate programmes. The license is valid until 2011.
JINR postgraduate studies in 2006 Total enrolment: 67 17 completed the studies 18 were accepted 7 came from Armenia, 5 from Belarus, 3 from Ukraine, 1 from Uzbekistan
Distribution of postgraduates over the JINR Laboratories LaboratoryNumber of postgraduates in 2006 BLTP20 DLNP21 FLNR5 VBLHE6 FLNP4 LPP1 UC1 LIT7 LRB2 Total67
Distribution of the postgraduates over the specialties Specialty Number of postgraduates in 2006 Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics ( ) 26 Theoretical Physics ( )19 Charged Particle Beam Physics and Accelerator Techniques ( ) 3 Solid State Physics ( )3 Physics Experiment Techniques, Instrument Physics, and Physics Research Automation ( ) 5 Mathematical and Software Support of Computers, Computational Complexes, and Networks ( ) 1 Mathematical Modelling, Numerical Methods, and Software Complexes ( ) 7 Radiobiology ( )3
Secondary-school oriented activity of the UC 2 nd Open Scientific Conference on Physics and Mathematics for Moscow Region's School Pupils (29-31 March 2006) Visits by school pupils (Germany, Poland) Physics practicum for school pupils of Dubna
Acquaintance visits in 2006 February: 8 school pupils and 2 teachers from Poland (the cities of Leszno, Poznan, Swinoujscie, and Tarnowskie Gory) May: 15 school pupils from a physics class (Berlin, Germany) September: 10 students of Opole University, Poland
Draft plan of some of the UC’s activities in 2007 June: seminar “The problem of physical reality in modern theoretical physics” (jointly with the Philosophy Faculty pf Moscow State University) June: 3 rd Open Scientific Conference on Physics and Mathematics for Moscow Region's School Pupils (Dubna) 24 June – 7 July: 4 th International Summer Student Practice in JINR Fields of Research 8 – 19 июля: International Summer School „Nuclear Physics Methods and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine“ (08.07 – 19.07, Prague) September: School on Neutrino Physics in Memory of Bruno Pontecorvo (Alushta, Ukraine) September: acquaintance visit by a delegation of the International Association of Physics Students Acquaintance visits by students and school pupils from JINR Member States
Other projects in 2007 Developing the student laboratories (room repairs and fundraising) Developing the GRID education infrastructure (together with Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and Dubna University) New special courses 2007 “Introduction in nano-system physics” (V.O. Nesterenko)