Reflecting the knowledge – based society in the context of EU Enlargement Research on the labour market restructuring, Employment change and skills acquisition in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia and Macedonia
Organisational Details Project co-ordinator: Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in Sofia, Address: Sofia 1000, Moskovska Str. 13-A. Bulgarian team’s Members: Dr. Rumiana Jeleva Dr. Rumiana Jeleva Dr. Vassil Kirov Dr. Vassil Kirov Dr. Rumiana Stoilova Dr. Rumiana Stoilova Dr. Svetla Stoeva Dr. Svetla Stoeva Violeta Karagiozova (technical assistant) Violeta Karagiozova (technical assistant) Project partners: Dr. Ulrike Papouschek & Prof. Jorg Flecker, FORBA (Working Life Research Centre) Vienna, Austria Dr. Ulrike Papouschek & Prof. Jorg Flecker, FORBA (Working Life Research Centre) Vienna, Austria Prof. Denisa Krbec, Faculty of Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirkovic” Pula, University of Rijeka, Croatia Prof. Denisa Krbec, Faculty of Economics and Tourism “Dr. Mijo Mirkovic” Pula, University of Rijeka, Croatia Prof. Mileva Gjurovska, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Skopje, Macedonia. Prof. Mileva Gjurovska, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Skopje, Macedonia.
Organisational Details II Project Budget: EUR Project Budget: EUR Project starting date: June 2006 Project starting date: June 2006 End of project: March 2007 End of project: March 2007 Anticipated duration of project: 10 months Anticipated duration of project: 10 months
Project Aims I 1. Network building and Institutional capacity strengthening within the knowledge-based society rising process Strengthening and Enlargement of the scientific network Strengthening and Enlargement of the scientific network Supporting the scientific dialog on the knowledge-based society and the phenomena discussed within the knowledge-based society rising process such as labour market restructuring, changes at work and education Supporting the scientific dialog on the knowledge-based society and the phenomena discussed within the knowledge-based society rising process such as labour market restructuring, changes at work and education Summarizing the results of ongoing and already done studies on work, professional education and KBS in the countries within the project Summarizing the results of ongoing and already done studies on work, professional education and KBS in the countries within the project Developing a list of indicators for further research on KBS Developing a list of indicators for further research on KBS Laying the bases of further developing of joint proposal, events, etc. Laying the bases of further developing of joint proposal, events, etc.
Project Aims II 2. Research on Work and Education in SEE Understanding the major changes in work in Austria and SEE countries Understanding the major changes in work in Austria and SEE countries Understanding the major changes in education in Austria and SEE countries Understanding the major changes in education in Austria and SEE countries Exploring the future perspectives of the knowledge-based society in Austria and SEE countries Exploring the future perspectives of the knowledge-based society in Austria and SEE countries Exploring the interaction between these changes and the use of knowledge and skills in Austria and SEE countries Exploring the interaction between these changes and the use of knowledge and skills in Austria and SEE countries
Project Aims III 3. Transition studies in SEE and their impact on the development of knowledge-based society Reflecting the influence of different patterns of post socialist developments in the SEE countries over the development of the knowledge-based society there. Reflecting the influence of different patterns of post socialist developments in the SEE countries over the development of the knowledge-based society there.
Project Activities Kick-off Videoconference; Kick-off Videoconference; National Meetings of the national project subgroups; National Meetings of the national project subgroups; Two-days’ workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria Two-days’ workshop in Sofia, Bulgaria Joint publication: Special volume of „Sociological Problems Quarterly“ Joint publication: Special volume of „Sociological Problems Quarterly“ Large Consortium of research institutions from Austria, SEE countries cooperating within this project (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Croatia) and other countries in the West Balkans (Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, Romania and Bosnia- Herzegovina). Large Consortium of research institutions from Austria, SEE countries cooperating within this project (Bulgaria, Macedonia, Croatia) and other countries in the West Balkans (Slovenia, Serbia and Montenegro, Romania and Bosnia- Herzegovina).
Expected results and outputs ActivitiesExpected results/outputs 1. Videoconference Organisational arrangements; Kick off 2. National Meetings First draft of the National profiles 3. Two-days’ workshop in Sofia List of indicators for further research on KBS in SEE countries; Discussion on the National profiles’ drafts 4. Publication in the Special Volume “Sociological Problems Quarterly” Final version of KBS national profiles (up to 5 pages); 5. Enlarged consortium with other SEE countries Correspondence and Choosing of new Coordinator for preparing a future joint proposal (optional)
Schedule Activities JuneJulyAugustSeptem ber OctoberNovem ber Decem ber Januar y Februar y March 1. Video conference _____ _____ _____ ______ ______ ______ 2. National Meetings ______ ______ ______ 3. Two-days workshop in Sofia _______ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ ______ ______ (Final version of KBS national pro- files) ______ ______ ______ ______ __________ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 4.Publica- tion in “Sociological Problems Quarterly” _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ 5. Enlarged consortium with other SEE countries _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____