CSBs and Accountability Courts…What’s Working in Georgia! David O. Crews Chief Executive Officer Gina Hutto Director of Accountability Courts Honorable Judge Davis Gwinnett Drug Court
S TATEWIDE F OOTPRINT OF C LIENTS S ERVED Resident Counties of Clients Served Adolescent CSU Offices Care Management Entity Offices Adult Service Facilities
I NTRODUCTION & H ISTORY OF C OLLABORATION 1)Judge Davis presides over the Gwinnett Drug Court in the Gwinnett Judicial Circuit. 2)View Point Health is the treatment provider for: a)Gwinnett Drug Court, DUI Court and Mental Health Court b)Rockdale DUI Court and Drug Court c)Newton Drug Court, Newton Mental Health Court 3)We have been the provider since 2005 (Gwinnett DUI Court), 2007 (Gwinnett Drug Court & Rockdale DUI Court), 2012 (Gwinnett Mental Health Court), 2013 (Rockdale and Newton Drug Courts), July 2013 (Newton Mental Health Court-Implementation)
H OW THE ACCOUNTABILITY COURT COLLABORATION OPERATES 1)Court Staffing and Sessions 2)Clinical Evaluation and Recommendations 3)Nursing Assessment 4)Group, Family and Individual Treatment 5)Drug Screens and Alco-sensors
NEW SERVICES SAMHSA GRANT GWINNETT Case management/Employment Supports Family nights & increased family counseling/education Trauma Counseling- Seeking Safety & Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Peer Mentoring & Recovery Supports
C LIENTS S ERVED Gwinnett Drug Court- 79 current participants, 129 graduates, 15 drug free babies born, 89% employment rate Gwinnett DUI Court- 92 current participants, 287 graduates, 4 drug free babies born, 91% employment rate, English and Spanish speaking treatment Gwinnett Mental Health Court- 11 current participants
O UTCOMES Gwinnett Drug Court- retention rate- 73.8%, recidivism during program- 9.3%, recidivism after graduation- 23.7%, 2012 positive drug screens during program- 44 out of % Gwinnett DUI Court- retention rate- 87.9%, recidivism during program- 3.02%, recidivism after graduation- 13.4%, 2012 positive drug screens during program- 29 out of %
L ESSONS L EARNED & F UTURE P LANS 1)Tips on successful collaboration which led to success rates 2)Tips on why it works in our urban area 3)Development of additional accountability courts in collaboration with CSB