Labour Law for Non-Lawyers August to September 2006
SDL Structure (Skills Development Levy) 20% NSF 70% Employer Grants 10% Admin Fasset Y7: 1 Apr Mar 07 Mandatory Grant ATR 05/06 & WSP 06/07 (Annual Training Report & Workplace Skills Plan) 50% - was due 30 June 2006 (still open for newly registered employers) SCG Discretionary Grant (Strategic Cash Grant) 20% - due 31 March 2007 Criteria and forms on website 100% SDL - 1% Payroll Unclaimed Levies (also used for discretionary grants)
Scarce Skills Guideline Unclaimed Levies Strategic areas decided annually by Fasset Management Board CPE (Continuous Professional Education) also available to SDL-exempt members who register with Fasset as an employer Used for Social Projects e.g. Grade 12 rewrite, work readiness programmes Strategic Cash Grant Learnership Cash Grant Crucial importance of Critical and Scarce Skills in the Fasset sector, BEE Codes are linked Fasset’s SSP (Sector Skills Plan) has Scarce Skills list, download off website This list is vital for all within the Fasset sector for proper interventions More black and disabled individuals needed in the sector as a current need, guided by the SSP
Learnership Cash Grant LCG 2006/07 For Black (Indian, African or Coloured) and/or disabled learners Two forms - 1 for SDL payers and 1 for SDL exempt Exempt employers to register with Fasset irrespective of whether they had an SDL number before (forms on www) Length of learnership linked to amount. 1 YR = R10 000, 2 YR = R and 3 YR = R (once-off per learner) Allowable learnerships - Fasset and selected others Fasset learnership example: Chartered Management Accountant qualification offered by the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) e.g. non-Fasset learnership registered = National Certificate in Tourism (not applicable to this grant, but available learner registration)
Learnership Cash Grant LCG 2006/07 Learner must commence the programme between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2007 45% of grant rejections due to learners not commencing the learnership in the correct period (see above) Timeframe for registering learnership agreements has changed to 30 days, incomplete forms are returned Levy payers must have completed a WSP - 26% of rejections are due to companies not having a correctly completed WSP Extensions will be granted if the request is received on or before the deadline date Firms may apply for an unlimited number of eligible learners Only firms with less than 150 employees may apply
Learnerships Update There are 930 learnerships available nationally 22 of these are Fasset learnership programmes Any employer may choose any learnership – but choosing a Fasset learnership allows access to Fasset grants The Institute of Certified Bookkeepers is a Fasset Quality Assurance Partner - their Office Administration learnership is now open for enrollment (contact Andrew ) The Debt Collectors learnership is being piloted by Fasset with enrollments scheduled for next year (contact Aboo at Fasset) There are tax incentives to taking on learnership programmes, with added tax incentives for taking on disabled learners
Exempt & SDL Paying Benefits EXEMPTSDL ATR & WSPNo SDL Strategic Cash GrantNo SDL Learnership Cash Grant Continual Professional Education (CPE) Soft Skills CPE Legislative Social Project Beneficiaries Adult Basic Education & Training (ABET) Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) Training
Upcoming Events SDF Networking Event – topic to be decided (scheduled for November 2006) Budget and Tax Update - March to April 2007 Soft Skills CPE - May 2007 Please complete evaluation forms - feel free to suggest topics for future Fasset events (CPE or SDF events)
Any Questions? Thank You Call Centre: Website: