3. Pediatric Care Provider Health Information Exchange (HIE) 1.Birthing Facility 4. Infrastructure 2. Public Health Mother delivers a child. Labor and delivery events are documented in the Birthing Facility EMR: 1.EMR creates a Labor and Delivery Summary (LDS) in Clinical Document Architecture (CDA ) with the mother and child birth information 2.EMR retrieves the electronic version of the jurisdiction-specific form (Vital Records (VR) Facility Worksheet (WS)) from the Form Manager application 3.EMR system populates the form (VR Facility WS) with EMR data 4.Clinician/Attendant at birth verifies data, makes modifications and additions as indicated on the form (VR Facility WS) Services: Secure Transport Infrastructure, Form Manager, Form Filler, Form Receiver, Form Archiver, Sharing Value Set Data Stores: Document Registry, Document Repository, Form Archive, Value Set Repository (PHIN Vocabulary Application Distribution System (PHIN VADS)) Pediatric Care Provider retrieves the Early Hearing Care Plan (EHCP): 1.PCP queries the HIE for documents related to the patient 2.PCP retrieves the EHCP provided by State EHDI Program State / Jurisdiction Vital Records System State/Jurisdiction Vital Registration for Birth Certificate: 1.EMR sends VR Facility WS information to the Electronic Birth Registration System (EBRS). This, plus other information on the mother and child, will be submitted to create the birth certificate Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Hearing Care Plan: 1.The Early Hearing detection and Intervention (EHDI) Information System (IS) receives newborn information from the LDS 2.The newborn’s hearing screening is performed. Results from the screening device are sent to the State EHDI-IS 3.The EHDI IS system receives hearing screening results, generates an Early Hearing Care Plan (EHCP) and publishes this Care Plan into the Health Information Exchanges (HIE) for the Pediatric Care Provider (PCP) EHDI Quality Measures: 1.EHDI-IS generates EHDI Quality Measures: number of children for whom hearing screening was completed before discharge from the Birthing Facility Public Health EHDI IS
Acronyms EHCP – Early Hearing Care Plan EHDI – Early Hearing Detection and Intervention EHDI IS – Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Information System EMR – Electronic Medical Record HIE – Health Information Exchange IHE – Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise Minnesota DH – Minnesota Department of Health RFD – Retrieve Form for Data Capture PHIN VADS – Public Health Information Network Vocabulary Access and Distribution System SVS – Sharing Value Sets Utah DPH – Utah Department of Public Health VR IS – Vital Records Information System State Public Health Information Systems: EHDI IS VR IS OZ Systems, Utah DPH Minnesota DH Birthing Facility EMR Epic Infrastructure OZ Systems, CareEvolution Form Filler Form Manager Form Receiver Forms Archiver Security Users / StakeholdersServicesData Stores Public Health State EHDI IS State VR IS Value Set Repository Form Archive HIE Sharing Value Sets Participants in the Scenario: CareEvolution CDC PHIN VADS Epic Minnesota Department of Health OZ Systems Utah Department of Pubic Health Monday, August 22: 12:00-12:30 Monday, August 22: 1:30-2:00 Tuesday, August 23: 12:00-12:30 Wednesday, August 24: 12:00-12:30 Demonstration Schedule Pediatric Care Provider EMR CareEvolution Document Repository Document Registry