What is the equation for density? How do you use the magic triangle? Practice Problem: Calculate the mass of a liquid with a density of 3.2 g/mL and a volume of 25 mL.
was born in the city of Syracuse on the island of Sicily in 287 BC. King Hiero commissioned the creation of a golden crown. However, he didn’t believe that the goldsmith used all gold. He asked Archimedes to determine if the crown was solid gold.
How can we use mass and volume to prove whether or not a substance is gold?
Unit 1 Investigation I Purpose: It is not always easy to tell one form of matter from another. This activity will show you how to differentiate between different forms of matter by examining density, one of the physical properties of matter. density = mass ÷ volume (cont.)
Unit 1 Investigation I Data and Calculations Metal Mass (g) Volume of water (mL) Volume of water with metal (mL) Volume of metal (mL) 5 cm long gold-colored rod 5 cm long silver-colored rod 10 cm long silver-colored rod (cont.)
Densities of metals copperzincgoldaluminumbrass 9.0 g/mL7.1 g/mL19.3 g/mL 2.7 g/mL8.4 g/mL
The density of silver (Ag) is 10.5 g/cm 3. Find the mass of Ag that occupies 965 cm 3 of space.
Under certain conditions, oxygen gas (O 2 ) has a density of g/mL. Find the volume occupied by g of O 2 under the same conditions.
A cube of gold (Au) has a side length of 1.55 cm. If the sample is found to have a mass of 71.9 g, find the density of Au. Warning-Trick Problem!! Read it Carefully!!
Silver has a density of 10.5 grams/cm 3 and gold has a density of 19.3 g/cm 3. Which would have the greater mass, 5cm 3 of silver or 5cm 3 of gold?