Connecting People: Connecting Services Mrs Mary O’Neill – Dungannon & District Community Transport Mrs Julie Jordan – Armagh Rural Transport
Connecting People: Connecting Services Delivered by Armagh Rural Transport (ART) and Dungannon District Community Transport (DDCT); Funded by Southern Investing for Health Partnership
Rural Community Transport Developed to meet the transportation needs of the Rural Communities within NI; Introduced and first delivered in 1999; Main Funder – Department of Regional Development through the Rural Transport Fund 19 Partnerships operating within the rural areas of NI;
Aim of Rural Transport Fund To provide an accessible, affordable, flexible Community Transport service in the rural areas of Dungannon & South Tyrone Borough Council and Armagh District Council. To address social exclusion and rural isolation by targeting those listed under Section 75 and other groups and individuals who are excluded from access to services. Enabling Members to avail of health initiatives, appointments, training, education, employment, leisure, social activities and events due to lack of appropriate transport.
Services Group Hire Door-To-Door Connecting Services: Connecting People - Passenger Assistant Scheme Social Car Scheme Training
ART – Resources in accessible Minibus; 1 part-time Driver 1 Manager 10 Groups Passenger trips completed on Monthly basis 320 ART’s Resources in accessible minibuses; 1 accessible MPV Social Car Scheme 4 Driver 1 Passenger Assistant 15 Volunteers 1 Manager 3 Administrator 150 Group Members 210 Individual Members Passenger Trips Completed on Monthly basis 2400
DDCT Resources in accessible minibuses; 1 accessible MPV Social Car Scheme 5 Driver 1 Passenger Assistant 20 Volunteers 1 Manager 2 Admin 160 Group Members 56 Individual Members Passenger Trips Completed on Monthly basis 2400 DDCT – Resources in accessible Minibus; 1 part-time Driver 1 Manager 1 Administrator 15 Groups Passenger trips completed on Monthly basis 640
Partnership Working Partnership approach with various organisations; Southern Investing for Health Partnership; Rural Community Transport Partnerships; Community Transport Association (CTA); Community Transport Association Ireland (CTAI); Local Volunteer Centres; Citizens Advice Bureau; Armagh & Dungannon Health Action Zone; Falls Prevention Unit - OPEN Project; Armagh & Dungannon Health Social Services Trust; Community Development Team; Local Councils; Funding bodies; such as STAP - LSP, Armagh LSP, Rural Transport Funding, etc…
Connecting Services: Connecting People - Passenger Assistants Funded by Southern Investing for Health Partnership, through the Beacon, Dare to Dream Project; Initially began as a year 1 Pilot Scheme in 2003; Employs 2 part-time Passenger Assistants in both Armagh & Dungannon; 3 years funding awarded in September 2004;
Aim of Connecting Services: Connecting People To improve the health status of the most disadvantaged, isolated and vulnerable members of the communities by improving their access to services, facilities and opportunities, for example: health appointment, clinics, leisure centres, social activities, etc... To promote social inclusion and address rural isolation.
Aims of SIHP To improve the health and social well-being of our communities; Reduce health inequalities: “Restricted access to public transport is a major barrier to health, social and recreational facilities for many people including those living in rural communities, people with disabilities, mothers of young children and older people. This can create isolation and depression.” Investing for Health, March 2002
Passenger Assistants Passenger Assistants ensure the safety of passengers while travelling with Rural Transport; Promote independence (from family members and Carers) for those who need assistance when travelling; Increases the quality of life of Members by enabling them to avail of health appointments, leisure facilities, social opportunities, etc…
Passenger Assistant Passenger Assistant undertake the following Training courses; Passenger Assistant Training (PATS); Falls Prevention; Child Protection; First Aid; Manual Handling All staff are POCVA (Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults) Check.
Breakdown of PA Trips Total passengers trips completed ,470 Breakdown on Trips: Education/Training & Employment7,010 Health3,636 Recreation140 Social Welfare2,684 TOTAL13,470
Future! As Best Practice other Rural Community Transport projects have employed Passenger Assistants as a result of this funding and support from Southern Investing for Health Partnership for the: Connecting People: Connecting Services Project
Finally… “Because of the Passenger Assistant and Driver I have become more sociable, mobile, and have made new friends. Family members know that I am safe and they do not have to worry about me.”